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Liz and Klaus were still in the kitchen while Klaus tried to reassured Liz that he truly cared about Caroline, when suddenly Elena appeared.

"Hey Mrs. Forbes! We're all so happy you came and that you're being so supportive with Caroline."

"Of course. She's my daughter. All I want is for her to be happy." Liz said.

"She is. Of course she would be more happy if you two wouldn't have to live distant from each other." Elena said.

"That's why I'm staying here for awhile."

"You are? That's great!" Elena said with a smile.

"You didn't know that?" Klaus asked.

"No. Why?" Elena asked.

"Because Caroline left a few minutes ago to tell you, to tell Stefan and Bonnie and... everyone, really."

"Maybe she is talking now with Bonnie or Stefan." Liz said.

"No... We were actually all together in the garden." Elena said.

"Then where is she?" Klaus asked and quickly left the kitchen, starting to search for Caroline in every room of the French Quarter.

Liz also went to look for Caroline, while Elena went to see if any of their friends heard anything from Caroline. As Klaus walked around the house, he saw in the hallway her phone in the floor and with a part of the glass broken.

"I know her password." Liz said and unblocked the phone.

Klaus was seeing what tabs she had opened, because maybe she had received a text from someone or something like that but she only had one tab open, it was from an app that was telling her how big their baby was. They then searched the recent calls and her texts but there was nothing suspicious.

Klaus made his siblings, Stefan, Bonnie, Elena and Liz meet him in the living room.

"We found Caroline's phone." Klaus started but was quickly interrupted by a very worried Liz.

"We need to find her! It's Caroline. We all know that she isn't someone who just leaves without her phone. And she doesn't leave like this, without letting a trail. And she is pregnant and..."

"We will find her." Klaus said to Liz, then looked at Bonnie. "I need you to make a locator spell. I'll call the hybrids and inform them what's going on."


Klaus already warned his hybrids and the vampires he created in New Orleans, while Elena tried to focus on getting her stuff ready so she could fight whoever could be behind the disappearance of Caroline, Stefan was drinking blood bags to not think about it, Rebekah was trying to reassure Stefan even if she was also afraid something bad would happen and Bonnie was trying over and over again to make the locator spell but she felt something blocking her from being able to find where Caroline was exactly.

"I can't find her..." Bonnie said in despair.

"Just concentrate!" Klaus yelled because he felt frustrated and useless.

"Hey! We all want to find Caroline. You don't have to yell at Bonnie. At least she's doing something." Kol said.

"Look, there's something blocking... It's like someone made a spell to not let anyone be able to see where she is. The best I can see is that she is on this side of New Orleans." Bonnie said pointing at the big circle in the map of New Orleans.

"Then lets go!" Klaus said and called every hybrid to go to that side of New Orleans, in hopes to find Caroline by her scent.


Caroline woke up, hanging by handcuffs that were attached to the ceiling.

"Look who is finally awake." Someone said.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

"I want Klaus to suffer. And you are not just carrying that abomination's child but you're also his weakness. And I'll take advantage of that."

"Sooner than you think Klaus will find me and kick your ass!" Caroline said angry.

"And how are you so sure?"

"He knows my scent. He can find me."

"He might know your scent but we are underground and Klaus will have a very difficult time finding you. We have witches on our side."

"What are you talking about? We have an agreement with the witches. Klaus is finally giving peace to the city. The witches don't want to ruin that."

"More than the city, the witches are concerned with the ancestors and let's just say Klaus hasn't been very kind to them." The man said with a smirk.

AN: Hey guys! I feel so awful for taking so long to update this story. I am still with an awful writer's block. I have ideas for new stories but I don't want to start any story without ending this one and the writer block started when things were starting to happen and I couldn't just act like there was nothing going on and put a big nice bow and say it's the end, you know? I'm so sorry if I'm disappointing you guys. It's the last thing I wanna do. And please, if you ever have any idea that could help me with this story please feel free to tell me. Thank you so much for your constant support. Love you guys! ❤️

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