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Klaus went after Caroline and took her to his room.

"What do you want?"

"It's not what you think."

"So you are not upset with Elijah and Elena starting to be closer

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"So you are not upset with Elijah and Elena starting to be closer..." Caroline said and Klaus couldn't deny it. "This actually makes me wonder... If you have feelings for Elena why do you act like a jerk and like you don't care about her and you are only protecting her because of the blood."

"It's not like you think, love. I'm only upset with them being close because I know how my brother can be irrational when it comes to love."

"Maybe because there's no rationality when it comes to matters of the heart." Caroline said.

"Why are you so upset?" Klaus asked.

"I don't know... Maybe because I find stupid you acting all jealous when you didn't even seem to care about her a few days ago."

"I don't care about her... I only care about her blood." Klaus said.

"Whatever. Why did you even took me here? If you like Elena or not, it's none of my concern so..." Caroline said, acting like she was indifferent to this matter.

"Are you sure?" Klaus whispered.

"Are you sure?" Klaus whispered

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Elena woke up with Elijah laying her down in bed.

"Elijah...? What happened?"

"You fall asleep, so I thought you would be more comfortable in your bed." Elijah whispered.

"Can you stay here? Just for a little while...?"

"Of course

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"Of course." Elijah whispered and lay down next to Elena, as she turned to his side and rest her head on his chest.

Elijah knew very well that being close with Elena, could only bring more fights with his brother, yet he still couldn't stop himself from staying by Elena's side.


It was dark, Klaus haven't spoken to Caroline ever since they had an argument because of him being against Elijah and Elena become close and very friendly.

Klaus decided to go look for Caroline, finding her in the library, seating down in the armchair and with a coffee table filled with books.

"I see someone decided to take the day to read..." Klaus said, trying to break the ice but Caroline simply rolled her eyes and kept her attention on the books.

"May I know what are you reading, that is worthy of all of your attention?" Klaus asked.

"I'm trying to find out what's going on with Davina. Just because she hasn't had another one of those attacks, doesn't mean that everything is alright." Caroline said.

"You could have called me. I'd be more than happy to help you." Klaus said.

"Seriously? The big bad wolf? Wanting to help someone? I thought that would only happen when he would get something in return." Caroline said.

"So there it is... You try to act like everyone has a good side and everyone can be safe, but the truth is that when you look at me, you only see a monster, a beast..." Klaus said upset.

"Why do you even care how I look at you? I'm just a hybrid who you made a pact with. You only come to talk with me because you feel the need to let it out every time you have a fight with your siblings." Caroline said and Klaus took the book from her hands, grabbed her by the waist and pressed her against the wall.

"We both know that is not true. You are way more than just a hybrid I made a pact with. Yes, maybe we started to have talks because I needed to let it out my frustration with the argues I have with my siblings and with the way Marcellus stole my throne but... we both know, you aren't just someone who I talk to." Klaus whispered.

"Klaus, if you were living with another hybrid, I'm sure you would talk to them and not me

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"Klaus, if you were living with another hybrid, I'm sure you would talk to them and not me. I'm sure that you only started to pay attention to me because of the pact and because of me helping you out having the rest of the hybrids's trust and the same for Bonnie and Elena." Caroline said.

"I noticed you way before the pact." Klaus whispered. "You don't believe that, do you?" Klaus asked, but he didn't need an answer, he could see for the way she looked at him. "Why? Why don't you believe me when I say that I noticed you before the pact."

"Why should I believe that?" Caroline asked.

"Because it's the truth. And I don't see how you would have so much difficulty in seeing that I would notice you even before the pact."

"Klaus, lets be honest. If it wasn't for Elena being my friend, I would just be one of your minions and nothing else."

"You have no idea how wrong you are." Klaus whispered and left.

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