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Another day went by and Elijah was now feeling better because he was an Original, which meant the bite wasn't fatal and it was only a matter of time until it would stop the hallucinations and the pain.

Elijah went to Elena's bedroom, remembering how he started to hallucinate and made Elena leave his room, making him now want to check on her and see how she was.

"Elijah..." Elena said, when opened the door and felt surprised to see Elijah on his two feet and looking better.

"Good morning, Elena! I came by to see how you were doing and to apologize for the way I acted last night." Elijah said and Elena simply hugged him, which caught Elijah off guard but he hugged her back.

"I'm so happy you're okay." Elena said, breaking the hug. "I know you told me before that originals don't die from werewolf venom but you were in so much pain..."

"I'm better now. And I am very thankful for having you by my side when I was suffering from the bite." Elijah said.

"No problem. I'm just happy that you are okay. Come on!" Elena said.

"Where are we going?" Elijah asked.

"We are going to the kitchen and I will make us a big breakfast." Elena said with a smile.

"Alright. But I will help." Elijah said.

"Okay." Elena said and they went to to the kitchen, grabbing a few items and ingredients to start cooking their breakfast.

" Elena said and they went to to the kitchen, grabbing a few items and ingredients to start cooking their breakfast

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Klaus wasn't able to sleep at all. Just knowing that Caroline left because of him, made him upset and angry, not at her but at him. She was the only one outside his family who believed in him, who seemed to care about him, who saw good in him... Now, he is wondering if he throw all that away when he bite his brother.

Klaus was in his studio, wanting to be alone and try to think of a way to get Caroline to live with them again, when he heard someone knock on the door.


"Niklaus..." Elijah nodded and Klaus let him in.

"What do you want?"

"I want to talk with you about what happened."

"I'm in no mood for lectures, Elijah." Klaus said annoyed.

" Klaus said annoyed

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