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Klaus finally went to see Marcel, knowing that Davina had already given him his blood to save him.

"Marcellus..." Klaus said as he walked over to a chained Marcel.

"Klaus... Come here to gloat?" Marcel asked upset.

"No. Even tho I killed people for much less, I won't kill you..."

"Why? Because you have some plan?"

"No! Because believe it or not you are one of us. Yes, we do not share blood but you're still family." Klaus said.

"If you think of us as family, then why couldn't you let me have the kingdom. I was the king and everyone was happy."

"Some witches would disagree with you on that one. But then again, dead or alive, witches are a pain in the arse." Klaus said with a smirk, making Marcel growl. "I am not going to explain myself to you but the truth is that the kingdom, having minions and people who will ensure my safety as well as the ones close to me, become more important than ever."


"Doesn't matter because... You will forget I told you about how important it is for me to have kingdom and to keep the people close to me safe. You will think that I took your kingdom because I wanted to and because I had to find a way to get more hybrids without worrying about the rules. You will stop trying to take away the kingdom from me, because you know people are better now." Klaus compelled Marcel and he nodded, since he had no more vervain left in his system thanks to the werewolf venom he felt, then he gave Marcel a blood bag so Marcel could get some of his energy back, then before Klaus would take the chains off Marcel, he compelled him once again. "I will let you go, you will stop trying to defeat me."

Klaus took off the chains and made Marcel leave without any memory of what happened, then when he went back to the living room, he saw everyone looking at him.

"What?" Klaus asked in annoyed tone.

"Marcellus just left." Elijah said.

"Yes. I let him go. I compelled him to forget what happened and stop trying to steal my throne. He won't have any recollection of him trying to get the throne back or being here." Niklaus said.

"So... he won't remember the conversation I had with him?" Davina asked, then said. "You has no right to just let him go and erase his memories without telling any of us."

"I agree with Davina. You should have told us first." Rebekah said.

"Niklaus, he might put our family in danger again..." Elijah said.

"He won't." Niklaus said.

"Guys! Stop it!" Caroline yelled making everyone shut up. "You all are upset for Klaus doing something good? What the hell? He was just trying his best to protect us... all of us. Even if I don't like using compulsion, I understand the need of it in this situation. He simply wants to ensure that no one will hurt his family."

"Besides compelling him to forget everything that happened and to stop stealing the throne, have you compelled him of anything else?" Davina asked upset.

"Not that it is any of your concern but no, I didn't compel him to do or forget anything else." Niklaus said.

"I can't believe he won't remember our conversation..." Davina said more to herself.

"Well, maybe now you two can have a conversation in a calm way..." Caroline tried to comfort Davina.

"Yeah... It might be a way for you two to talk and try to fix things." Elena said.

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