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Klaus woke up early and made scrambled eggs with bacon, put it on a tray, put some grapes in a small bowl, then put it on the tray along with some blood bags and took all of it to Caroline's bedroom.

"Good morning, love." He whispered to her ear and she quickly grabbed him by the throat and rolled them over, making him fall to the floor and she be on top of him with a hand on his throat and another on his chest.


"Yes, Love

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"Yes, Love. It's just me." Klaus said, finding weird that she automatically got defensive.

"Sorry. I woke up with someone calling me so I thought it was someone else."

"And clearly you don't like that person." Klaus said as Caroline took her hand from his throat, making Klaus change to a seating position, grabbing her by the waist, so she would stay on his lap. "Who did you think I was?"

"I don't know..."

"I don't believe that. Someone usually doesn't wake up and is already prepared to fight."

"Well I'm not just someone. And I got kidnapped a few times so when someone tries to wake me up, I get defensive."

"Say the names and I gladly kill these people who've wronged you."

"Doesn't matter who these people were

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"Doesn't matter who these people were. Why are you here?" Caroline asked confused.

"I know yesterday we had a little spat and that things could have gone better so I decided to be a good friend, which you said we could be, and got you some breakfast." Klaus said pointing to the tray.

"Friends usually don't make breakfast in bed to other friends."

"I'm new in the whole making friends thing." Klaus quickly said, proud of himself for finding a good excuse so quickly.

"Whatever. You're lucky that I'm hungry. Let's eat." Caroline said and they started to eat and drink the blood bags. "I thought there was no more blood bags B+."

"We hadn't but I took the liberty to get more since it's your favorite type of blood."

"How do you know that?"

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