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It's been hours and Caroline has been getting more and more nervous with not getting any news from Klaus.

Caroline has been texting him and calling him but nothing.

Caroline has been texting him and calling him but nothing

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Klaus was chained down and unable to get released from the chains because they were magical, not letting any supernatural creature or human to be able to get out.

"Who is the blonde hybrid? And why does this hybrid keep calling you and text you like there is no tomorrow? If you keep getting calls I will smash down your stupid phone." The kidnapper said, making Klaus thank himself that he changed Caroline's name in his contact list for protection.

"How should I know why the hybrid is calling me if I can't answer it?"

"The hybrid texted again asking where you are. Why it's so important for this hybrid to know your whereabouts?" The kidnapper asked, suspicious and not understanding why this hybrid was in his contacts as blonde hybrid and not by their name.

"I don't know. Probably because they miss their leader and the true king." Klaus said with a smirk.

"You're only king because of your stupid hybrids

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"You're only king because of your stupid hybrids. And I think it's time to give them their freedom." The kidnapper said and started to text as he said out loud. "I can't answer right now. I have things to handle. And now I have my kingdom which makes you and the other hybrids no longer useful for me. Go away and leave me alone. I'm not the kind of wolf who wants a pack. I am better alone." The kidnapper then looked at Klaus and with a smile said. "And send."

"What have you just done?" Klaus asked because he knew even if Caroline would see there was something wrong, he needed to act like if he thought the hybrids would all leave.

"Now that I gave your hybrids their freedom, you realize you're not that strong?" The kidnapper asked.

"Why are you doing this?" Klaus asked.


Caroline quickly called everyone to the living room and told them about the text he got from Klaus.

"This shows that there's something happening to him. He wouldn't write me this! Especially now that he is worried about our baby he wants more hybrids... This is not him... Someone got him." Caroline said very worried with Klaus.

"I'm gonna make a locator spell to see where he is." Davina said.

"You need to calm down. We will find him. Your worry will only hurt the baby." Bonnie said.

"My baby and I will be fine once we will have Klaus here, safe and sound." Caroline said upset.

"We will get him." Rebekah said.

"I'm coming." Caroline said.

"That's what she said." Kol said, making everyone look at him. "Wrong timing. I see that now."

"No! You won't put my nephew in danger." Elijah said.

"Look, I was the one who had a feeling something was wrong. I don't know what is it. Maybe it's because I've been drinking from him but I can feel him and I can feel that he is not okay. I will only be okay when we will find Klaus." Caroline said.

" Caroline said

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"Fine. But we need to have a plan." Elijah said.

"I vote on going there and kick their arses with my baseball bat." Kol said, making Rebekah roll her eyes.

"Davina is making the locator spell. Once she finds where Niklaus is, Bonnie will come with us because she's more powerful and in more control of her magic than Davina. Kol, Rebekah, Stefan and I will go... Caroline you may go but you'll only stay on the look out."

"The hell I'm on the look out! I'm pregnant but that doesn't mean I still can't fight. Klaus is no longer just a friend or the guy who saved me... He is the father of my baby. I will do everything to not let my baby grow up without a father." Caroline said.

"I got Klaus's location." Davina said, as she walked over to the living room, where everyone was.

" Davina said, as she walked over to the living room, where everyone was

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"Great." Caroline said and saw everyone still on the same place. "What are you waiting for? Klaus needs us. Let's go!"

Caroline walked away from the living room, ready to go to the place and fight whoever would try to stop her from getting Klaus back, making Elijah feel surprised with how concerned Caroline was with Niklaus, making him also thankful that was Caroline the mother of Niklaus's baby.


"You took everything away from me! My followers. My kingdom! Davina! You don't even care about her nor any of them. You just care about power. And you couldn't stand seeing that I was able to rebuilt a kingdom after you, Elijah and Rebekah run away as your father ruin the city. You didn't even tried to see if I was alive." Marcel said.

"Marcel, we thought you were dead. We believed Mikael had killed you. We had to run away. Mikael has been hunting us down for centuries." Klaus said. "I loved you like a son. I raised you and took care of you as if you were my son, as if we were from the same blood."

"Really? You have a funny way to show it. You only let me turn by making me choose to not be with Rebekah. You left me behind without even making sure if I was dead or alive. You came back, took Davina away from me, took my kingdom and killed friends I had for years." Marcel said.

"What are you gonna do with me? Sooner or later my siblings will realize I'm gone." Klaus said.

"Yes. But I'm not alone in here and if they do come, we'll put a sleeping spell on them." Marcel said. "And about you... by having the big bad hybrid locked down, I will have more allies than ever thanks to all the enemies you gathered along your miserable thousand years of existence."

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