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Rebekah went to the Rousseau's, looking for Sophie, and found her cleaning up the mess that the earthquakes and the wind was made a few hours ago, including broken glass from liquor bottles, cups and papers strewn around the restaurant.

"I don't really have time to socialize." Sophie said.

"Good neither do I. When you're done burying your witchy bits on sacred ground, are you prepared to perform the Harvest? You do realize you have to slit a girl's throat, a very sweet girl, as it turns out." Rebekah said, praying that this would work out and that Davina would be resurrected.

"If it means I get my niece Monique back, I can handle anything. Family is everything to me. Now, why are you really here?" Sophie asked annoyed.

"When all this is done, after Davina is resurrected and the witches get their power back, you'll have a decision to make."

"Enlighten me." Sophie said confused.

"A witch at her full power can trade body blows with a vampire punch for punch. Believe me, I know." Rebekah said.

"So do I. Be nice to have a fair fight for a change."

"Well, fair only gets you so far. Clever gets you further. After this, Marcel will still be here, and so will Klaus, and you know better than anyone that those two don't fight fair. You are going to need an Original on your side, and I'm gonna need a witch on mine if we're gonna stop those two from running things."

"Am I missing something? Why would you side with me?" Sophie asked confused.

"Sometimes, what's more important is not who you're siding with, but who you're siding against." Rebekah said.


Davina suddenly woke up in a strange place, she looked around, trying to see if she knew but all she could see was that she was in a storage locker. Once she saw Marcel sitting next to her, she panicked and used her power to throw him against the wall, making him groan in pain.

 Once she saw Marcel sitting next to her, she panicked and used her power to throw him against the wall, making him groan in pain

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"I'm not gonna hurt you." Marcel tried to reassured her.

"I don't believe you! You want to kill me... just like everyone else." Davina said because even after everyone tried to reassured her that she would come back, she still was a bit skeptical.

"I'm the one who put a protection spell on you, Davina." Marcel informed her. "But now the witch who did the spell is in league with the rest of them, so I had to take you away."

"So you could use me as a weapon? Again?" Davina asked upset and feeling suspicious of Marcel's intentions.

"I'm trying to keep you safe. Davina, look at me. I messed up. All this power that you have, it gave me an advantage. It helped me punish the witches, and it let me run the city, and I let that mean too much, alright? But that's over with now. One survivor to another, all I want to do is keep you alive, I swear." Marcel said, making Davina calm down and nod.

"I'm scared. I don't know what's wrong with me." Davina confesses.

" Davina confesses

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"You're not alone. We'll fix this."

"You won't let them hurt me?" Davina asked.

"No. Nobody's gonna touch you." Marcel reassured her.


Klaus and Caroline finally arrived to the churches when they found Father Kieran talking to someone and handing out food. Once he saw Klaus and Caroline, he walked over to them.

"We still haven't gone through all that you've provided, Klaus." Father Kieran, making Caroline smile at him, realizing that she didn't need to say anything for Klaus to worry about the people of New Orleans.

"Well, this newest bit isn't from me." Klaus said, smiling to Caroline.

"Thank you so much, Caroline. You're always so kind." Father Kieran said.

"No problem. It was the least I could do. And thank you for giving shelter for all these people." Caroline thanked Father Kieran.

"In fact, I was the one who asked Father Kieran to give them shelter. He suffers from an incessant desire to do good. Just like someone else I know." Klaus said, making Caroline roll her eyes with a smile, then he looked at Father Kieran. "But now, I need you to be useful. Marcel and Davina have disappeared. I assume from the stupefied look on your face they haven't sought refuge in your attic."

"No. Those days are gone." Father Kieran said.

"Then energize your resources. I don't need to remind you how important it is they be found." Klaus said.

"Yes." Father Kieran said and left to make some calls, while Caroline smiled at Klaus.

"These people... they're werewolves. And the priest said that you donated food. You're helping them... I love that behind this big bad hybrid you're just a big softie." Caroline said.

"They're not just any werewolves. They're my clan. From very far back. They've fallen upon hard times, and their plight has brought out the philanthropist in me. What can I say? Must be your bad influence."

"What do you mean, your clan?" Caroline asked.

"The blood that runs in their veins runs in mine. And in our child's." Klaus said.

"Look at you being protective over your family, even without them knowing." Caroline said and bite her lower lip. "You look so hot right now."

Klaus smirked and took her to a room so they could have some privacy

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Klaus smirked and took her to a room so they could have some privacy.

"If I knew it would turn you on when I would do good for other, I would start way sooner." Klaus said, making Caroline laugh softly and kiss him passionately.

Next on the Pact

"Kill a demon today, face the evil tomorrow. Count me in."
"What are you doing here? Get out!"
"There has to be another way. This is not how it ends."

AN: Hey guys! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Once again I would like to give a shout out to @Mozaieklover who's been helping me with these chapters. Love you guys!

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