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Rebekah texted Klaus asking to call her her and that it was important, so when he called her, Rebekah make up an excuse saying it was probably nothing but she was going to answer the phone outside so the girls could talk and watch the movies in peace.

Rebekah knee she had to tell Klaus as fast as she could that Caroline was feeling under the weather because for how much Klaus denied, she could see Caroline had a big affect on him. She didn't know what they were, if they were friends or something more but she could see her brother truly cared about Caroline, which was new because Niklaus spend many years only caring about his family. She also felt that Caroline was a good influence on Klaus and she didn't want to think what would happen if he lost her.

"Hello, Sister. What's wrong? Why did you asked me to call you?" Klaus asked a bit annoyed but also a bit concerned.

"Before I say anything, you need to stay calm and to not go all crazy." Rebekah said.

"Just say it, Rebekah." Klaus asked frustrated, trying to hide how he was getting more concerned by the second.

"Okay... The girls and I decided to come see Caroline and she told us she felt a bit under the weather but she tried to not make a big deal. Although, I find weird she feeling under the weather because she is part vampire. I and the girls convinced her to go see a doctor but I know you don't trust everyone and needs to be someone who knows about the supernatural world." Rebekah said.

"I have the number of the perfect person. I'll call him right now and schedule a meeting, I'll send you with the details." Klaus said and hung up.

"Not even a goodbye? Rude!" Rebekah said when noticed Klaus had already hung up.

Rebekah went inside the house and noticed Caroline giving her a look.

"Bekah, can we speak in private?" Caroline asked with a fake smile.


"Great! Let's go to the kitchen." Caroline said and Rebekah followed to the kitchen, seating in a stool as she saw Caroline taking a strawberry ice cream from the fridge and some blood, then mixing it up in a bowl.

"Hungry?" Rebekah asked.

"Don't try to change the subject." Caroline said and eat some of her ice cream. "Why did you have to tell Klaus that I was feeling under the weather?"

"Because you are one of the only people he cares about. I know you guys are in a fight or whatever but I haven't seen Nik caring for someone outside my family like he cares about you in a long time. I don't know what the hell you two are for each other but I know you to care for each other. Besides, when I barely gave him the news, he wanted to end the conversation as soon as possible to call someone who could help you."

"Oh! He is just doing that because he is afraid that a normal doctor will see me and realize there's something off about me, like being able to heal a wound in seconds." Caroline said.

"No, Caroline. Nik truly cares about you, even if you don't want to admit it." Rebekah said and got a text from Klaus telling her to bring Caroline in a clinic of the bayou and that he will be there in 5 minutes. "It's Nik. He says he already contacted someone and that we need to go to the clinic in the bayou."

"Ugh! Fine. Let's just get this over with." Caroline said and went to the living room, where was her best friends and Davina. "Hey girls! I guess I have to go now to the clinic, because apparently they can't wait until tomorrow to tell me I'm okay so, yeah... You can stay and end up watching the movie. We don't know how long it will take."

"We will go with you." Elena quickly said.

"There's no need for that." Caroline said with a smile.

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