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Klaus was tired of playing spy. He knew that he needed to have patience but now he was starting to find more information about everyone and how everyone interacts with each other.

Big part of why in a short amount of time he was able to see how things worked in New Orleans and with Marcel's army was because of Caroline's folder with her multiple colorful tabs and her multiple graphs, charts and diagrams.

He was now in the office with Caroline and Elijah, the two people he trust the most with this plan.

"I think it's time for us to make a move."

"Niklaus, you need to be patient. This is like a game of chess. If we want to take the king down, we need to think every move very carefully." Elijah said.

"Klaus, we can't just make a move. There's variables that we need to think about. I never played chess but I used to play domino and here's the thing, if one piece falls, every piece single piece will fall too. We not only would go back to stake zero but he would be found out." Caroline said.

"I am tired of standing by and nothing happening."

"I understand." Caroline whispered and grabbed a small folder with files that she had on her bag.

"What's that?" Klaus asked as Caroline opened the folder, picking a few papers.

"Do you carry all files in your bag?"

"Of course not. I'm not crazy. Just the most important. And they are just copies but I did laminated them." Caroline said with a smile, then gave a few papers to Klaus.

"You night recognized these two guys. They usually go to that bar in Bayou talking about their day and how they are tired of Marcel's rules. Jackson is the alpha of the pack that is living in the Bayou and the other is Jackson's best friend. I have been noticing the pack has been talking with Jackson about how they want to destroy Marcel's kingdom and he seems to be losing his pack because they feel that he isn't doing anything." Caroline explained and suggested. "Maybe you could write a letter telling about your plan of taking Marcel down and bringing every single supernatural creatural to New Orleans so this can be a place filled with harmony again, mentioning the plan of every supernatural creature having someone who defends their rights. You would write anonymously and that way people could start talking about this. You could also send a similar letter to a few witches from the French Quarter."

"What if they want to obtain more information?" Elijah asked.

"Easy. Klaus can create an email where people will be able to communicate with him."

"Why not a phone?" Klaus asked.

"Because with phone calls they might guess who you are by your voice." Caroline said, making Klaus smirk for how much ahead Caroline usually thinks. "Oh! But you should only check your email in a public computer. Like the ones of the library or those coffee places that have computers. That way not even the guys who know how to access the localization of the computer that send the e-mail can get to you because it's always public computers."

"People can find where is your device just by an email that they received?" Elijah asked confused and a bit shocked.

"If those people are hackers, yeah." Caroline shrugged.

" Caroline shrugged

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