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Elena decided to go look for Elijah, because she was feeling uneasy and for some reason Elijah was able to calm her down.

After she looked for him everywhere, she decided to go to his room. She knocked on the door but she didn't heard a thing, probably because of the room being sound proof, so she opened the door with her eyes closed.

"Elijah... Are you here? Can I come in?" Elena asked with her eyes closed.

"I'm here. Come in. And you may open your eyes." Elijah said, so Elena opened her eyes to see Elijah with a tired look.

"Are you okay?" Elena asked concerned.

"Yes. I simply feel a bit under the weather."

"What? Under the weather? How is that possible? You are a vampire, an original vampire. You shouldn't feel under the weather..." Elena said because every time she saw a vampire feeling under the weather would be because they just got tortured or something like that.

" Elena said because every time she saw a vampire feeling under the weather would be because they just got tortured or something like that

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"Maybe it's because I couldn't sleep well, last night." Elijah said.

"Why do I have a feeling that you are not telling me the truth?" Elena asked now upset because she hated being out of the loop.

"Elena, you should leave." Elijah said, not looking at her.

"Not without you telling me the truth."

"Alright. Last night, Niklaus and I had an argue and Niklaus ended up biting me." Elijah said.

"What? He did what?" Elena asked now angry.

"It's fine. I'm sure he will eventually give me his blood to cure the bite."

"Why would he even do that? What's wrong with him?"

"Why would he even do that? What's wrong with him?"

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"It doesn't matter now." Elijah said with a calm voice. "Although, I need to warn you that because the bite gets worse with time, you should go until I get better. At any time now I might start to have hallucinations. I might get violent. And I do not wish to hurt you."


"Please, Elena." Elijah whispered and Elena nodded and left his room.

As Elena walked over the hallway, she saw Caroline.

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