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Once Kol left, he went to the living room and asked to talk in private with Elena, so they went to his room.

"What's going on?" Elena asked.

"I need to tell you something. And you need to know because you are Bonnie's best friend since childhood." Kol said.

"Just tell me. You're making me nervous." Elena said.

"I think Bonnie is planning on sneaking out to get Caroline back... I think she's planning on taking that deal." Kol said.

"What?!" Elena almost yelled. "Why?"

"It's Bonnie. Why do you think? She can't see her friends suffering." Kol said. "I think it was better to tell you since you two are very close. And maybe you can assure that she won't sneak out."

"Of course. Thank you, Kol." Elena said.


It was already very late and Elena convinced Bonnie to have a sleepover with Rebekah.

"This is not the same without Care and Davina." Bonnie said.

"We know... but we will figure out a way to get Care back." Elena said.

"I'm sure my brother will figure out a plan by tomorrow morning." Rebekah tried to reassured Bonnie.

"Yeah! And Liz is also here. Liz would die for her daughter if it was needed to. They didn't had the best relationship but once Caroline became a hybrid, their relationship became stronger." Elena said.

"And like Caroline says: be positive." Rebekah said, remembering of Caroline saying that in one of their girl nights while she held a blood bag B+.

Rebekah prepared a camomile tea to Bonnie, trying to make her relax as much as possible in a time like that, which was helpful in letting Bonnie rest a little bit.


Bonnie woke up and found herself in the middle of the cemetery, where it was buried the harvest girls.

"Hello, Bonnie!" A familiar voice said, behind her, making her turn around.

"Grams..." Bonnie said in shock. "What's going on?"

"It's against the rules to go to someone's dreams to talk to them but... you need to know something." Sheila said. "The Ancestors of New Orleans used the last Harvest Girls to come back from the dead and bring back people who would get revenge on Klaus. That's why Caroline is missing."

"Wait. Are you saying that they are the reason why Davina is dead?"

"Unfortunately, yes." Sheila said, which only made Bonnie more upset.

"What can we do to bring the harvest girls back?" Bonnie asked.

"Because they used the power of the ritual to be back from the dead... Their death will probably be the only way to get the harvest girls back... because the power has to go somewhere... like it happened to Davina when she didn't finish the ritual and she needed up with the power of all the witches combined."

"I'll do everything I can to get not only Caroline back to safety but also the harvest girls."

"Just be very careful, Bonnie. The ancestors from New Orleans aren't very happy with you helping the Mikaelsons."

"I don't care if they are happy or not. We are talking about my best friend and girls who didn't do anything wrong but trust the ancestors." Bonnie said.

"That's my Bonnie." Sheila said with a smile. "I just want you to know that I'm very proud of you. And that I am always with you."

Before Bonnie could say anything else, her grandmother vanished and she woke up with someone shaking her.

"Bonnie!" Elena and Rebekah said as she woke up.

"What?" Bonnie asked.

"You are bleeding." Elena said.

"I never seen someone nose bleed while sleeping. Is everything okay?" Rebekah asked concerned.

"Yeah... I just need to go to the bathroom." Bonnie said, still processing what happened in her dream.

AN: Hey guys! Please tell me what you are thinking of the story so far. I know I'm not updating very often, I'm having a huge writer's block about this. Yet you guys keep being so supportive and I'm so thankful for that. Love you guys!

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