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After Caroline quietly, sneak inside the house she was living in with the other hybrids, she took a shower, put on a floral dress, a denim jacket and some boots, then texted to Stefan because she needed to talk with her best friend and she felt that if she would tell Elena or Bonnie, they would judge her way more than Stefan.

Caroline meet up with Stefan in a garden and after a hug, they sat in the bench of the park.

"So... what's going on? Your text made it seem important." Stefan said concerned with his best friend.

"Something happened last night and I don't know what to think. And if anyone finds out they will judge me and maybe stop being my friends."

"Come on, Care! Whatever happened, your friends will stay here by your side." Stefan tried to reassure Caroline.

"Even if I did something terrible?" Caroline asked.

"Come on, Care!" Stefan said because he knew his best friend and he knew she was a good person.

"I am only here because I couldn't find a big enough rock to crawl into." Caroline said in a joking way.

"I'm sure it wasn't as bad as you think." Stefan said, trying to calm down Caroline because he knew his best friend very well and knew no one would judge her more than she was already judging herself.

"I slept with Klaus. Not like just sleeping. We had sex." Caroline said quickly, trying to say it once it for all, not giving time for her to lose the courage to say it.

"What?" Stefan asked, just taken a bit aback by the news since she hasn't been talking with Klaus for two weeks.

"I know. It's awful... and the worst part is that I liked it. I mean, I really liked it." Caroline said. "And the way he touch my body and how he..."

"Okay! That's enough... I don't need to know the details." Stefan said, not interested in hearing about her best friend sex life, especially knowing that Caroline would be very detailed about it.

"I don't know what to do, Stefan. I feel... how should I put it? I feel a connection with Klaus... and I've seen him being someone besides the big bad wolf... I do care about him for how much I hate that to be true, but it is. I care about Niklaus Mikaelson. But then again, we have different views on how to do things, he always tries to solve things by using aggression and compulsion and... If I was crazy enough to give it a shot, then how could I know he wouldn't be hurtful with me if we would disagree on something? I mean, he daggered Elijah just because they didn't agree on something. I don't know what to do." Caroline said and sighed.

"Care, you're my best friend. I love you. I think this is not something I can help you decide. I just hope whatever you'll decide to do, it will be for what makes you happier." Stefan said. "You can always find a reason to not do something. If there's stuff you want to do, do that stuff. We as vampires have way more time torturing ourselves regretting for the things we didn't do and wished we did. I can't tell you how other will text to what happened but your true friends will be there for you, even if it takes time."

"Thank you, Stef. You're like the big brother I never had." Caroline said and hugged Stefan.


It was already noon and Elijah still haven't heard or seen anything of Elena and Bonnie, he even asked his brother Kol but Kol also haven't seen them.

Elijah and Kol were talking in the hallway, when they saw Rebekah getting out of Elena's bedroom.

"Sister!" Elijah called Rebekah.

"Hey!" She said.

"Have you seen Elena?" Elijah asked.

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