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It's been a few days since Caroline went to talk with Davina. Davina has been staying at the safe house with Kol and Bonnie, also having people visiting them every once in awhile because Klaus wanted to be sure Davina wasn't going to run away or to be taken. Klaus noticed how Marcel and his army was uneasy ever since Davina left the attic. Davina left a letter telling Marcel that she saw him killing a witch because of a simply innocent spell she made and that she had to leave because she felt betrayed, not giving any information about where she went or if she left alone, which only made Marcel more worried and upset. Caroline has been talking with the hybrids because they have become very impatient and they knew very well that if they complain to Klaus he would probably tortured them and hurt the people they cared about so they simply talked with Caroline. Elijah has been training Elena and convinced Klaus to keep the training by using as an argument that once Marcel would find out about him trying to become the king of New Orleans again, Marcel would try to get it back, maybe by threatening to turn Elena into vampire so Klaus wouldn't be able to make more hybrids.


Caroline spend almost all morning talking with the other hybrids and now she was back to the Plantation and decided she had to talk about the hybrid situation with Klaus because the longer she would wait, more complicated the situation would become.

Caroline walked around the mansion until she found Klaus in a room she never entered before, a room full of paintings and drawings that he made, it was his studio, where few were allowed to enter so she simply knocked on the door.

"Caroline... You've been out for hours. Should I be concerned?" Klaus asked.

"I need to talk with you." Caroline said in a serious tone.

Klaus quickly noticed the tone she was using, making him see whatever she was going to say was serious and important, so he stopped painting, walked over to her, grabbed her by the arm and vamp speed to the office, closing the door behind them

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Klaus quickly noticed the tone she was using, making him see whatever she was going to say was serious and important, so he stopped painting, walked over to her, grabbed her by the arm and vamp speed to the office, closing the door behind them.

"The door is close. No one can listen to us. What is so important that you had to interrupt me painting?" Klaus asked with no emotion because he didn't know what to expect of this sudden conversation that Caroline wanted to have.

"I've been out for hours because I was talking with the other hybrids."

"And...?" Klaus asked getting now tense.

"And we talked about all this situation with your plan of getting the throne and..."

"Caroline, I might be immortal but that doesn't mean I enjoy to have someone staling and wasting my time with circling the situation instead of being just direct and upfront." Klaus said growing impatient by the second.

"We would like to know how things will be once you become king. How will things change?"

 How will things change?"

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