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Elena has been having these awful nightmares almost every night and they all were the same thing, Klaus killing everyone she cares about and then draining her so he could have all her blood to make more hybrids.

Elena couldn't fall asleep after those nightmares which meant she barely had any sleep.

After having another nightmare, she went to the kitchen to drink milk and see if it helped, then went upstairs and heard someone walking around her room, making her grab a lamp to use it as a weapon, and quietly walking over to the man. Once he turned around to face her, Elena quickly felt relief.

"What are you doing? I could have killed you!" Elena whispered, almost yelling.

"With a lamp?" He asked.

"Elijah..." She whispered and put the lamp down.

"I heard noises so I come here to check on you and when I saw you were gone, I tried to see if it was any track in case someone had kidnapped you."

"What? No one is going to kidnap me." Elena said and closed the door of the bedroom so they could talk without waking up anyone.

"Why weren't you here? Did you had another bad dream?" Elijah asked because Elena told him once about her having nightmares when he noticed her being very tired. "You really should talk with someone about this nightmare you're having lately. If not me, someone else."

"I'm fine, Elijah." Elena whispered.

"Alright, but I'll stay the night in here to make sure you will be able to sleep and won't have any nightmares." Elijah said.

"If that will make you stop worry, then fine." Elena said and walked over to the bed, then noticed Elijah seating on her desk, making her ask. "What are you doing?"

"I told you. I'll stay here."

"You won't stay seating in there as I sleep. That's creepy."

"How is it creepy me staying here all night while you sleep just to make sure nothing will happen to you?"

"I won't sleep if you stay in there."

"Are you sure you feel comfortable with sharing a bed?" Elijah asked.

"Are you sure you feel comfortable with sharing a bed?" Elijah asked

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"Yeah! It's just a bed." Elena whispered and they both lay down under the covers.

"Sweet dreams, Elena."

"Sweet dreams, Elijah." She whispered as she felt his arm around her.

She smiled to herself as Elijah pulled her to get closer to him and being protective of her. She softly moved her hand from his elbow to his hand, brushing their fingers together and softly intertwine them.

"You will stay the night, right?" Elena whispered.

"Yes. I won't leave you, Elena." He whispered and gave a peck on the top of her head.

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