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At night, Klaus let his hybrids go around the city seeing what information they could gather, while he planned on taking Caroline somewhere else.

Caroline heard a knock on the bedroom door and when opened, she saw a box with a lace, she looked around but no one was there, so she grabbed the box and took it inside so she would open it, revealing it was the red dress she tried it on at the store but didn't buy it. She was about to giving the dress back, when noticed a note on it.

'Dear Caroline,
You have been showing me your loyalty and I truly appreciate it. I noticed how much you liked this dress and you looked truly ravishing in it, so I decided to give it to you as a thank you for being so cooperative and helpful.
Do not worry, I bought this dress. I did not compel anyone. A woman like you deserves to get gifts that aren't compelled.
See you at 10 pm to take you to another mission.

Caroline looked at the note in disbelief, not wanting to make him think that he could buy her with those gifts but she couldn't deny that she loved the dress and appreciated the fact that he didn't compel anyone to give the dress.

Caroline decided to stop overthinking, put on the red dress and go see him to go to whatever next mission they had.


"Why are we in the Bayou?" Caroline asked when they got to the Bayou.

"While my hybrids are gathering information over Marcel and his minions, I want to gather information over the werewolves. I'm sure they aren't all that happy with Marcel's arrangement." Klaus said. "And we all know people love to talk about their issues in a bar while drinking alcohol."

"Won't they find weird seeing us here?"

"No. This bar is for werewolves and humans." Klaus said and took her to the bar, finding them a booth. "Oh, and love... you look breathtaking in that dress."

"I only wore it because I didn't had much more dressed to use."

"Whatever you say, love." He whispered with a smirk.

They heard two men appearing on the bar and talking about how much they hated Marcel and his rules.

Caroline started to play with Klaus's hair and smiling very sweetly to him, as they listened to the conversation of those two men.

"Who made him in charge, anyway? That place it's like a sanctuary for vampires and screw the werewolves, the witches and the humans. Someone should stand up and fight Marcel." A guy said as Caroline got on Klaus's lap and felt him kissing her neck as she run her fingers through his curly hair.

"This Marcel has been ruling the city for so long... He has a powerful army. Nobody can take him down." Another guy said.

"Let's see about that..." Klaus whispered.

"Shh... you don't want anyone to find us out." Caroline whispered looking him in the eyes and he smirked then kissed her, then she noticed the two guys leaving so she broke the kiss. "They left. We should go."

"Love, If we don't want people to get suspicious we can't leave right after the people we've been spying on leave." Klaus whispered.

"Sorry if I never got the degree in espionage." Caroline said, making Klaus laugh.

"Don't worry. I'll teach you." Klaus whispered and kissed her lips softly.

" Klaus whispered and kissed her lips softly

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