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Elena woke up with Elijah getting up from the bed.

"Elijah? It's 5 am. Can't you stay a little bit longer?"

"Elena... I'm sorry. Did I awake you?"

"It doesn't matter

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"It doesn't matter. Can't you stay?" Elena whispered in a sleepy voice.

"I can't."

"Why? Is everything okay?" Elena asked now concerned.

"Yes. I just... I don't think it's a good idea me staying here. Klaus might find out and..."

"And what?"

"And he will start to think there's something between us and then he might..."

"Do you think that he might get upset and... hurt you?"

"Maybe but that's not what I'm worried about." Elijah whispered, making Elena look at him confused. "I fear he might hurt you, if not worse."

"He can't kill me. If he does, the Pact he has with Care will no longer exist."

"He can get new hybrids. He can kill you by making you bleed out every single drop of your blood." Elijah said.

"Are you really worried about me, when he can very well dagger you?"

"I can deal with that. What I cannot deal with is you getting yourself hurt because of me."

"You are not doing anything wrong."

"Getting close to you is enough for Klaus to hurt you." Elijah said.

"You can tell him that you were just making sure nothing happened to his living blood bad

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"You can tell him that you were just making sure nothing happened to his living blood bad." Elena whispered and Elijah hated to hear her talk about herself as if she was nothing but a human blood bag.

"Fine. I think today it will be alright." Elijah said and lay down next to Elena, under the covers.

"Thank you for staying." Elena whispered in true appreciation.


Klaus was laying down next to Caroline as they talked.

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