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After having a big conversation with Davina, Klaus went home with Caroline and called Rebekah, Stefan, Elijah and Elena to start researching about the harvest ritual because it sounded familiar to Klaus but he wanted to be sure of what was happening.

Elena and Elijah were in the library, going through the books, Rebekah and Stefan were in the living room doing the same thing while Klaus and Caroline were in his office as they looked for the information about Harvest ritual.

"You looked very worried when we left the house. What do you think it's going on?"

"I don't want to say it in case it isn't what I am thinking it is." Klaus said.

"Just tell me... I am getting worried too." Caroline said.

Klaus grabbed Caroline's hand and pulled her to seat on his lap, letting her wrap her arm around his neck.

"I believe she had to die in the ritual and then come back. I think she is upsetting the balance and that her power is the power of hers and the other girls combined."

"If it is, do you think there will be a solution?"

"I'm not sure..." Klaus whispered, quickly noticing how sad she got. "But that's why we are looking for more information about this ritual. To find out what is going on with her and how we can get her better."

"Thank you for telling me. I promise I won't tell anyone." Caroline whispered and Klaus smirked then gave a peck on her forehead.


Elena was in the library reading the books with Elijah when she cut herself in paper.


"What happened? Are you alright?" Elijah asked concerned and quickly felt the smell of blood. "Are you bleeding?"

"Yeah. It was just a paper cut." Elena said.

"Let's go to the bathroom. I think we have a first aid kit." Elijah said to Elena even if she protested, saying it was just a paper cut.

As he cleaned the almost invisible wound, he noticed Elena feeling uncomfortable.

"Am I hurting you?" Elijah asked worried.

"No. It just burns a little." Elena smiled.

"Oh... what if I do this?" Elijah whispered and blow a bit to the very small wound.

"It's better." Elena smiled, enjoying how caring Elijah was being.

"Are you okay with seeing my blood?"

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"Are you okay with seeing my blood?"

"Yes. I've been a long time around blood... which sounded worse than what I meant." Elijah said, making Elena smile.

"Thank you... for doing this." Elena whispered.

"No need to thank me." Elijah smiled.


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