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It's been two weeks since Caroline told Klaus she needed space and she couldn't come back, she also texted him saying that whatever it would be needed for them to talk about strategy, the werewolves and the hybrids, she would prefer it would be by texting because it was a way to get her space.

Klaus was barely sleeping because every single dream he would have was about Caroline leaving him and whenever he would wake up and realize that she was no longer living with him because of how reckless he could be, it only broke him more. He tried to forget about it by drinking bourbon but with no success, then he tried to drink blood from the blood bags he had with him but it only reminded him of the times he saw her drinking from a blood bag or trying to convince him that blood bags were as good as blood from the vein, so then Klaus tried to drink from the vein but he would always hear her voice inside his head saying how he was hurting innocent people and just proving to everyone that he was the heartless monster he wanted people to think he was and remind him why she left, so he would always stop, give them his blood and make them forget.

Klaus didn't understand how Caroline leaving was having such a big impact on him. He was never one to get too attached to people. He learned how to do that during his existence. He was the one who chose to not let himself get attached to others because it would only hurt him, yet Caroline managed to make him feel attached to her and to make him care for her. He knew what his old self would say "Kill her. Caring about others is a weakness. Your enemies can use her as your weakness. You need to kill her so you won't have a weakness and be able to be powerful with people around you obeying to your every single order and to protect you." but Caroline changed him and a little of his perspective, making him see that caring could also be a weapon because it gave you strength to keep fighting. And one thing he was sure was that he was incapable of killing Caroline.

Klaus decided to leave his place and go into the night to let himself turn to his wolf form so he could try to not think about Caroline and try to clear his head. He didn't know where he was going, he felt his wolf side taking over and traveling to whatever place it felt like. He stopped in the middle of the woods when he sensed a very familiar scent, then he went in search for the scent and discovered a naked Caroline sleeping in the woods, so he turn back to his human form and stole a few clothing items that someone let outside to dry. He then got back to where Caroline was and tried to woke her up softly.

"Wh-What? What happened?" Caroline said with her eyes still closed.

"Love, I believe it happened again." Klaus said, making Caroline open her eyes and realize she was in the woods naked. "I got you some clothes."

"Thank you. Would you mind to turn around?" Caroline asked but clearly showing it was not even for debate.

"Of course, Love." Klaus said. "Has this been happening for a long time?"

"It doesn't matter." Caroline said, not wanting to talk about it.

"I though you no longer had these episodes... of you falling asleep and sleepwalking as a wolf and wake up in the middle of the woods naked." Klaus said because this happened a few times before.

"It's nothing for you to worry about." Caroline said. "I think I should go and try to get some sleep."

"Caroline, believe it or not I do care about your wellbeing." Klaus admitted.

"Yeah... and you also care about your siblings. But that doesn't change the fact that you can hurt them really badly if they do something as awful as disagreeing with you." Caroline said upset.

"What is that suppose to mean?" Klaus asked now upset.

"It means that I don't know who you are. I know sometimes the way you act is just to show everyone you are the big bad wolf who nobody should dare to come across but then there's times when we talk and it seems that you open to me and show me the real Klaus... But then you do things like biting Elijah and I left without knowing which side of you is the real you and that scares me because it makes me wonder what will take for you to finally decide to kill me. Or if I'm only still alive because of the pact and because of Elena's blood. If this friendship is real or is just your way to make me get the hybrids to stay by your side... I just don't know what to think anymore and that is..." Caroline admitted, starting to feel more upset and stressed by the second.

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