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One of the vampires that was back in New Orleans took Rebekah to a warehouse to investigate another incident.

"I used to run things down here when Marcel was in charged. I thought you would like to see it." The vampire said but they stopped walking once they found a circle on the ground made of salt with animal bones inside of it and with unlit candles around it.

"I have seen this before... A long time ago." Rebekah said. "Somebody is copycatting a very dangerous witch. They draw their power from the sacrifice."

"But... why would someone just leave it for us to find?" The vampire asked, making Rebekah's eyes widen in realization.

"Because they wanted to be found."

A man appears from the shadows behind them

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A man appears from the shadows behind them. Rebekah notices him in shock and horror.

"Mademoiselle Mikaelson." He said.

"Tha-That's not possible." She said in disbelief.

"Sure, it is, chére. It's magic." The man said.

Rebekah vamp speed towards the man, in an attempt to kill him, but he simply reached out and grabbed her by the throat.

"Symbole du masque et de l'ombre, embrace-toi. Embrace-toi. Symbole du masque et de l'ombre, embrace-toi. Embrace-toi. Symbole du masque et de l'ombre, embrace-toi. Embrace-toi. Symbole du masque et de l'ombre, embrace-toi." He started to chant while Rebekah started to desiccate, starting to show thick gray veins pop up all over her face and neck as the young vampire disappeared from how terrified it was.

" He started to chant while Rebekah started to desiccate, starting to show thick gray veins pop up all over her face and neck as the young vampire disappeared from how terrified it was

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Klaus, Elijah, Danny and many of the other vampires were congregating in the courtyard, discussing their current situation.

"Someone will die for this." Klaus said.

"Remarkably, I don't disagree. However, I would like to know where they learned such dark magic." Elijah said concerned with this dark magic going around.

"I had hoped never to see that symbol again." Klaus confesses. "I recall it is the signature of a fool who once stood against us.

"Clearly, some upstart witch is salvaging old tricks." Elijah said.

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