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It was night, Caroline was now with a red short dress and Klaus was with an Henley t-shirt and some dark jeans.

"Love, you really prepared for tonight..." Klaus smirked, admiring her beauty.

"Sorry to break it to you but I choose one of the first things I found." Caroline said because she didn't want Klaus to think that she was enjoying kissing him, even if she didn't hate it.


Klaus pressed Caroline against a wall and kissed her neck as they noticed Marcel was walking over to the street.

"Oh yeah..." Caroline moaned, closing her eyes, when noticed Marcel was glaring at them, making Marcel ignore them again, making her whisper to Klaus. "I don't think he suspect us..."

"Everyone! You know the rules! Now it's your night to party!" Marcel yelled and vampires jumped from the roofs and started to attack humans. "Remember. No killings! Hunting! Drinking! Erasing! Letting them go!"

"I can't believe they are okay with doing this to innocent people..." Caroline whispered as Klaus kissed her neck. "He is going to that alley near the bar..."

"Stay." Klaus whispered.

"What?" Caroline asked confused.

"He will notice if someone follows him. And if he won't, his friends will. Stay." Klaus whispered and kissed Caroline in the lips, then let a trail of kisses to her neck.

"Klaus..." she whispered, loving the way he was holding her and kissing her.

"Did he appear...?" Klaus whispered and she noticed a few vampires walking over to them.

"No... but I think some of his friends want us to be their meal." Caroline whispered.

"Trust me, love." Klaus whispered and took her to a dark alley, pressed her against the wall and kissed her.

"What are you doing?" Caroline asked, breaking the kiss.

"Trust me." Klaus whispered and kissed her again and she kissed him back.

"Look at two perfect meals..." They heard a voice saying as they kissed passionately.

"There's so many other people. Let's leave this couple alone. Let the guy get laid." The other voice said and then they heard them leaving, Caroline broke the kiss and started laughing.

"What's so funny, love?"

"Nothing. It's just... them not feeding from us because they thought that you were about to get laid." Caroline laughed, making Klaus laugh too.

" Caroline laughed, making Klaus laugh too

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"Let's go home, love." He whispered.


Elena couldn't fall asleep so she went downstairs to drink some water, but found in the living room Elijah reading a book.

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