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Caroline was still chained up while one of the kidnappers gave her an aneurysm over and over again.

"I don't understand how you can share a bed with that abomination." One of the kidnappers said.

"Shut up! Nik is twice the man you wish you could be." Caroline yelled in pain.

"How can you still defend him? So much you suffered was thanks to him? You breaking the sire bond, you fearing your best friend would die when breaking the curse, you having to make a pact just to make sure everyone is safe, you having to leave your hometown... it was all his fault. How can you defend him?"

"Because he is not the monster people claim he is!" She yelled in pain, fearing this torture was bad for the baby.


Bonnie reunited with everyone in the living room and they were all going over the plan once again as Elena and Liz were making sure they had the weapons.

"They want Bonnie, maybe the best is for her to stay here." Kol said.

"What?! No way in hell that I will stay here while my best friend is suffering." Bonnie said.

"You can get hurt and..."

"Kol, I know how to take care of myself." Bonnie said.

"There's no time for this. Caroline needs us!" Klaus said annoyed with the discussion between Kol and Bonnie.

"I agree with Klaus. My daughter needs us. Let's stop waisting time." Liz said.

They all went to the house in the middle of nowhere that Bonnie found out and when Klaus was getting in, he realized the house was spelled so vampires wouldn't be able to get it.

"Bloody hell!" He mumbled.

"What happened?" Rebekah asked.

"It's spelled. We can't get in." Klaus said frustrated.

"What do we do now?" Stefan asked.

"What kinda question is that? You might not be able to get in but there's people who can." Liz said, looking at Elena and Bonnie. "What do you say?"

"Let's do it." Elena said.

"Are you sure about this?" Elijah asked Elena.

"Elijah, there's no bloody time for that. They are our only hope to get Caroline back." Klaus said to his brother.

Elena, Liz and Bonnie got in the house and walked slowly, Liz went to see some of the rooms to see who she would find and to make sure no one would appeared from nowhere. As they were walking, they found two people on the hallway that would take them to the room Caroline was in.

"We need a distraction." Liz whispered.

"I got it." Bonnie said. "Phasmatos Somnus."

Quickly the two people passed out, making Elena and Liz look at her.

"They are only sleeping." Bonnie said and suddenly Liz shot them.

"They hurt my daughter. Besides, better safe than sorry." Liz said.

With the sound of the gun, the other two kidnappers appeared to see what happened.

"Mother!" One of them said to the young lady.

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