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Elijah was now alone in the living room with Marcel and Sophie, still feeling suspicious of Sophie.

"I've noticed that you were able to convinced my siblings but you have yet to convince me and Marcellus." Elijah said and Sophie rolled her eyes.

"We don't have time to waste. The first sign has already come and gone." Sophie said.

"So fix her!" Marcel yelled, feeling desperate.

"She can't be fixed." Sophie said, looking down. "She can't be saved. This will not stop at the earth sign, and if you wait it out, you immortals will be the only ones left to argue about it."


Rebekah and Caroline went to see Davina and because Rebekah used to be a nurse, she had the idea of giving Davina something that could calm her down, but once Davina saw Rebekah pulling out the syringe, she looked at them terrified.

"Wh-What is that?" Davina asked terrified.

"The more upset you become, the faster you deteriorate

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"The more upset you become, the faster you deteriorate. I compelled up some sedative." Rebekah tried to inform Davina by using a calm tone.

"No, no, no!" Davina started to yell, feeling more and more terrified.

Suddenly extremely strong winds start to blow through the Quarter, bursting many of the compound's windows open, making Rebekah and Caroline look up concerned.

Rebekah was ready to inject the syringe on Davina but Caroline gave her a look to stop because she didn't felt right making Davina do something she didn't agree on and preferred to convince her into doing something than making the option for her.

"Hey!" Caroline said calmly with a small smile to get Davina's attention. "We are doing everything to help you. We just need you to calm down for a bit. We don't want you dead nor being hurt. By sedating you, we are trying to stop you from being hurt, this sedation won't kill you. We like you. You are our friend and we are going to do everything to make sure you'll be alright ASAP, okay?"

 You are our friend and we are going to do everything to make sure you'll be alright ASAP, okay?"

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"Promise?" Davina asked with fear.

"Pinky promise." Caroline said holding her pinkie up, making Davina smile and nod to Rebekah so the Mikaelson would sedate her and quickly started to fall asleep.

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