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It was early in the morning, when suddenly everyone woke up with Davina screaming, which meant it had to be very strong and coming from her magic because it was able to break the sound proof spell she had in the room.

"That's Davina... She must have had another nightmare." Caroline said worried.

"Love, I will go. You need to stay. The baby needs you to rest." Niklaus said.

"No way, I'm going with you. I care about Davina, I was the one who convinced her to live here and to trust us. I need to make sure she's alright." Caroline said as she got up from the bed.

Quickly they started to feel the ground shaking and Klaus saw the books were about to fall over and maybe some furniture too, so he quickly made Caroline lay down on the ground and he laid down on top of her, protecting her from getting hit with b...

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Quickly they started to feel the ground shaking and Klaus saw the books were about to fall over and maybe some furniture too, so he quickly made Caroline lay down on the ground and he laid down on top of her, protecting her from getting hit with books or furniture until the ground stopped shaking.


Kol once felt the ground shaking, he quickly went to Bonnie's room because he needed to make sure Bonnie was alright. He saw her in the hallway and noticed the paintings were about to fall so he vamp speed to her and tried to protect her the best he could.

"What the bloody hell were you thinking? You could have gotten yourself hurt!" Kol said.

"Davina was screaming! I need to make sure she's alright." Bonnie said.


The ground finally stopped shaking, they went to check on Davina but noticed she was still having nightmares, screaming and sweating.

Niklaus, Elijah, Rebekah, Kol, Caroline, Elena, Stefan and Bonnie were in the living room to figure out what was going on.

"The Italians call them Strega. The Yoruba of West Africa call them aje, meaning mother. Where my mother was from, they called häxa, and here we call them witch. Over the centuries, vampires have fought them and fought beside them, bedded them and burned them. Whether adversary or ally, they have been a force to be reckoned with, their ancestral magic anchors this city. There's never been one all-powerful witch until Davina." Elijah explained as everyone tried to find out a way to help Davina.

"Who is now tucked in safe and sound down the hall under my protection. Your Celeste was quite beautiful and a portent of evil, according to our volatile artist in residence." Klaus said, making Elena quickly looked confused at them.

"Who is Celeste?" Elena asked.

"Apparently it's someone who Klaus finds incredibly beautiful." Caroline said, feeling very jealous.

"She was nothing compared to you, love." Klaus said.

"And Celeste was Elijah's former lover

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"And Celeste was Elijah's former lover." Kol said.

"Oh!" Elena said and quickly avoid eye contact with Elijah, not wanting to show him how bothered and jealous she was.

"Well..." Elijah said after clearing his throat, trying to focus on the Davina problem. "Perhaps Davina's mistaken what she calls evil for power. Celeste was certainly very powerful in her day, but she's been dead for over two hundred years. I don't understand the reason for all these sketches now."

"Why does any witch do anything?" Klaus asked. "The one thing I know is that young, old, dead or alive, witches are a pain in the ass."

"I'm gonna see how Davina is doing with everything. She's only 16 years old. This is too much for her to handle in such a young age." Bonnie said and went to see Davina, while Kol quickly followed her to make sure Bonnie would be alright.


Caroline convinced Klaus in calling Marcel because she knew that after everything Marcel loved Davina and saw her as a part of his family, and since Marcel knew Davina for the longest, he probably would be able to help them in discovering what was going on with Davina.

"This is madness. How can a 16 year old girl shake the entire French Quarter?" Klaus asked as he was in the living room with Caroline and Marcel.

"I've seen her rock the church but nothing like this." Marcel said.

"When you had her living in the attic... Did you had a way to help her control her magic?" Caroline asked, thinking that maybe it was Davina's emotions that were making Davina lose control of her powers.

"I didn't have to. She might be new but she was able to control her powers." Marcel said.

"Yes, but now the point is that in her present state she's useless as a tool against the witches." Klaus said, making Marcel and Caroline give him a look.

"She's not a tool!" Marcel said.

"Davina is a human being. She's a young girl who has an entire life ahead of her. She's not a weapon or object that only matters when you need someone to help you." Caroline said.

"Something's wrong with her." Klaus said.

"Yeah! She's had too much control that she can not control... We already knew that. But why is now this happening? Why it's manifesting in such an aggressive manner?" Caroline said and suddenly had an idea, making her turn around and walk away from the room, which made Klaus quickly grab her arm, making her turn around to face him.

"Where are you going?"

"This is clearly a witch business, which means the people who might help us are witches from New Orleans." Caroline said.

AN: Hey guys! I hope you liked this double update and that you are enjoying the story so far

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AN: Hey guys! I hope you liked this double update and that you are enjoying the story so far. I would like to give a big shout out to Mozaieklover who gave me inspiration to write and gave me some ideas. Mozaieklover if you are reading this, I hope you know how cool and amazing you are.
Also a big shout out to Fanficgirl104 who saw my mistake and probably learned that I'm someone who has some trouble in being focus just in writing one sentence 😂 SELF-BURN! *yells with Kelso's voice*
If any of you guys have any suggestions, please feel free to tell me. Just keep in mind that some things take time to appear in the story.
Love you guys!

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