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It was night and Kol took Bonnie to St. Anne's church but as they were about to enter, he noticed Marcellus, so Kol grabbed Bonnie and vamp speed them to a dark alley.

"What the hell?" Bonnie asked and Kol covered her mouth with his hand so she wouldn't make any noise.

"Shhh... Trust me." Kol whispered and Bonnie gave him an upset look and made a signal with her eyes for him to stop covering her mouth, making him whisper. "If I take my hand, you can run away nor make any noise."

Bonnie nodded and Kol took his hand, moving it to her waist, keep pressing her against the brick wall.

"We can't go in. We need to wait." Kol whispered. "Marcel is in there."

"I am a Bennett witch, I can knock him out with my magic."

"Then he and his little army of vampires will kill you

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"Then he and his little army of vampires will kill you." Kol whispered.

"What if I go to the church and act like I'm going there just to pray and see if there is something going on?" Bonnie whispered.

"Fine. But I'll be watching you to make sure you won't get in troubles."

"I can take care of myself. I don't need any babysitters or bodyguards."

"Then I will take you back home." Kol whispered and Bonnie rolled her eyes.

"Fine." Bonnie whispered and went to the church.

Kol followed her and hide himself in some place so he could see her every move and be ready to fight if needed.

Bonnie walked into the church and quickly a man appeared and walked over to her.

"Hello! I'm sorry but the church is close. You can come tomorrow."

"I just came to pray... I won't bother anyone, father." Bonnie whispered.

"I'm not..." He was saying making Bonnie look at him confused. "I... I know this place very well and at this hour, people are cleaning and preparing for tomorrow."

"Then why are you here?"

"Because I'm close with the pastor and I come here to talk and donate money." He said.

"Well..." Bonnie said.

"Marcel." He said.

"Well, Marcel, when is allowed to be in here? Just so I won't bother anyone again..." Bonnie said with a fake smile.

"Usually from 8am to 7pm." Marcel said.

"Oh... Okay. Thank you and I'm sorry for bothering you with this." Bonnie smiled innocently and left.

Once Bonnie and Kol were in the street, they started to talk about how weird Marcellus was acting about people going to church.

"I told you. She's hiding a witch in there." Bonnie whispered.

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