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Caroline texted Elena, Bonnie and Stefan to meet her at her room, so they could talk in private. Once they appeared, they quickly noticed her bag and started to ask her what was happening.

"Guys, I'm sorry but right now... I can't stay in the same place as Klaus. I already wrote a letter to him to let him know why I'm leaving but you guys are my friends and I couldn't leave with just a letter." Caroline said.

"Care, what happened?" Stefan asked.

"Did he do something to you?" Bonnie asked concerned.

"No. It's just... What Klaus did to Elijah made me see that the old Klaus didn't change. I don't know why, but I let myself believe that there was more to Klaus than the big bad wolf but... apparently I was wrong. I just need some space from him." Caroline explained. "I'm sorry, guys. I'm leaving and letting you stay here, when I'm the reason you are here."

"Hey! Bonnie and I came because it was our choice." Stefan said.

"Yeah... and I'm here because you found a way for Klaus to not kill me. You saved me." Elena said and then they all hugged.


Caroline talked with the hybrids, asking if it was okay with them for her to live with them for a little while and they quickly said yes.

"Hello there, roomie!" Danny said as he let Caroline enter the house.

"Hey!" Caroline smiled slightly.

"You totally owe me 20 bucks!" Danny said to Hayley.

"What?" Caroline asked confused.

"We might have made a bet about how long it would take for you to leave Klaus's side." Hayley admitted.

"What? Why?"

"You seemed to get along with him

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"You seemed to get along with him..." Hayley shrugged.

"Yeah... I thought that too..."

"What happened?"

"Klaus got in a fight with Elijah and decided to bite him."

"What?" Danny and Hayley asked surprised.

"I know! That was my reaction. I just need some space from Klaus." Caroline said and they nodded.


Klaus noticed a letter on the floor of his room, he opened it and read it.

As I told you before, what you did to Elijah, it made me really upset. I wasn't just angry but also disappointed. I don't know what's worse, you making me believe there was more to you than this act that you put to others, or me for trying to see past your mistakes. I thought you were growing as a person and trying to be a better person, trying to find happiness in this town that means so much to you and your family... I am now wondering if this side of you that you made me see was real or just an act to get me to trust you and to be truly on your side. I might not have spend much time with Elijah, but I know that he is one of the few people who truly cares about you and fights for your redemption. He is just trying to do what's right. However, you only seem to see people betraying you and going against you or your opinions. And that is no reason to let your brother suffer. Because of this, I felt the need to leave. I'm going to live with the other hybrids. I will still talk with you about strategies to keep the town safe, but that's it. I'm just one of your hybrid minions. I can't be your friend... at least not now.
Caroline Forbes"

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