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It was a brand new day, Caroline was now in Bonnie's room, having Bonnie clock the beating heart of the child she was carrying in order to protect the child.

"It's done. For now, people won't realize that you're pregnant. But when you'll start showing we need to think about something else." Bonnie said.

"I know..." Caroline sighed.

"Do the hybrids know about...?"


"Then what did you told them about to why you moved back in?"

"I told them that I felt that being closer to Klaus would help to make sure he won't do anything reckless. I think they bought it even if I'm an horrible liar." Caroline said.

"Well, in a way having you here makes Klaus less reckless. I mean, he still is but now not as much and you even made him apologize properly to Elena. I never thought the big bad hybrid Klaus Mikaelson would even know what was like to apologize to someone." Bonnie joked.

"Yeah..." Caroline smiled. "I know he has his flaws but he isn't the monster he likes people to see him as."

"Care, do you have feelings for him?" Bonnie asked now in a serious tone.

"What? No! I mean, there's an attraction there and a connection that I can't explain but it's nothing like that." Caroline said, denying her true feelings for Klaus.

"I'm not asking this to judge you, I'm asking this because I am afraid you'll get your heart broken. I know how you give yourself completely to someone when you like them and how you become so vulnerable and... I just don't want to see you get hurt." Bonnie said, concerned with her best friend because she knew Caroline had been through more than enough heartbreak.

"You're talking like if I'm in a relationship with Klaus. I'm not! We had a one time thing... And I ended up pregnant. He would probably be completely over me. Let's be honest, Klaus just enjoys the chase and the challenge of not getting what he wants and once he does he will get done with it. In fact, in my experience that's how it always ends up when you start being closer with a guy." Caroline said. "And when they don't get done with you, they will die."

"You can't keep blaming yourself for what happened to Tyler, Care."

"I know it was an accident but... if I hadn't been so stubborn and let him drive, the accident wouldn't happen and he would still be here... alive." Caroline sighed, because even after years of his death, it still effect her, a piece of her heart would always belong to him, the time simply made the pain and loss more tolerable.

" Caroline sighed, because even after years of his death, it still effect her, a piece of her heart would always belong to him, the time simply made the pain and loss more tolerable

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"We can't get stuck on the ifs. Ifs always have a happy ending guaranteed but if we get stuck on the ifs we might miss the happy ending of our real live, of the good things that are happening right now." Bonnie said.

"Bonnie, you're always so wise..." Caroline said as Bonnie smiled, then they heard a knock on the door, so Bonnie went to open the door.

"Have you seen Caroline? Where is Caroline?" Klaus asked concerned.

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