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Caroline woke up with Klaus by her side, caressing her hair as he looked up at the ceiling.

"Good morning..." She whispered in a sleepy voice.

"Good morning, Love!" He whispered, not taking his eyes of the ceiling.

"What are you thinking about?" Caroline whispered.

"What to do to the Salvatore and the Hunter." Klaus said without any emotion.

"I think they learn their lesson. Let them go."

"Are you mad? After what they did? I killed people for much less than what they did. If someone ever questioned my orders they would die. Why would I give them a free pass?"

 Why would I give them a free pass?"

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"Because... they made a mistake and I'm sure they won't do this again." Caroline tried but Klaus gave her a look, making her know that her argument was weak, so she tried again. "Fine. Then... if you kill them, Elena and Stefan will see it as a way of you breaking the pact because part of our deal was you not hurting my friends. Which means, they will leave, they might even stay on the run, like Katherine did. As soon as they leave, the hybrids will realize the Pact was broken, which would mean they are free to do as they wish, making you stay here with your siblings without your army or blood to make more hybrids, which would put you in advantage. And let's not forget that your new allies would probably rethink their alliance when they would see your little army leaving you."

As Klaus listened to every word Caroline said, he become more tense, afraid of what would happen if he reacted impulsive about what happened. He could not afford to lose now everything he has been building for so long. Even if that was what made him tense, it wasn't the only thing that he thought about, he was now wondering how Caroline could be so kind and protective of two men who tortured her.

"Why are you defending them?"


"Why do you want them to go away freely? They tortured you. You should at least want them to be hurt. To suffer the same way you did." Klaus said, then rolled to be on top of Caroline, grabbing her wrists so she could not leave. "Is there something that you are not telling me? If this is part of a plan to take me down, I will find out and make you see what the big bad wolf is capable of doing."

"What? Okay... First of all, stop being suspicious. There's no plan, if there was, I wouldn't have been tortured. You saw the way I looked yesterday, you saw my wounds... Second of all, I'm defending them because I know how much Damon means to Stefan and Elena and how much Alaric means to Elena. And third of all, don't refer to yourself in the third person, that's just lame." Caroline said without showing any fear, which messed Klaus's head because he was not used to people not showing fear to him.

"I have to say, you made a good case. I will think about it as I decide what to do to them." Klaus whispered to her lips and then placed a soft kiss on her cheek, then he started to kiss her neck, making her bite her lower lip to repress the moans.

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