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Elijah was in the library thinking about the moment he shared with Elena the other day and how he almost give into the temptation of kissing Elena Gilbert. They've been growing closer and closer ever since they moved to New Orleans and it helped the fact she wanted him to train her to protect herself. Suddenly the sound of a door opening interrupt his thoughts.

"Sorry to interrupt you but something happened."

"Is everything alright? Is there something wrong with the baby?" Elijah asked concerned.

"No. The baby is fine. It was Elena." Caroline sighed.

"Elena? What happened to Elena? She seemed alright when I last saw her." Elijah asked concerned with Elena.

"Klaus for some reason decided to get a nurse and take out some of her blood. I'm gonna have a serious conversation with him. And I think you should be with Elena and help her. She was barely awake. I think she will need vampire blood." Caroline said.

"Of course. I'm going to ensure that Elena remains safe. I apologize for my brother's behavior and reckless decision." Elijah said and Caroline nodded, then took him to Elena's room, seeing Elena laying down still barely conscious and Klaus using his poker face.

"You. Me. Bedroom. Now!" Caroline said upset and Klaus followed her.

If he wasn't so concerned about Elena, he would be wondering how Caroline is able to talk in that way with Klaus and still be alive and not get punished, since Klaus is not a person who forgives easily. But Elena was almost unconscious and right now that was all he could focus on.

"Elena, don't close your eyes."

"I'm really tired, Elijah

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"I'm really tired, Elijah..." Elena said, gathering all her strength to say something back to him.

"Drink my blood." Elijah said.

"No... I don't want the risk of turning." Elena said because she was scared of what it would be if she became a vampire and wondered if it would change her for the worst, that was one of the reasons why she hold on her humanity so badly.

"I don't want the risk of losing you." Elijah said and bite his wrist, then made her drink it.

" Elijah said and bite his wrist, then made her drink it

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