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It was the middle of the night and almost everyone was in their rooms sleeping.

Klaus walked over to the kitchen, to get some blood, noticing Elijah was in there too.


"Niklaus. Having trouble sleeping?"

"I just need something to drink. What about you? Are you finding difficult to fall asleep as you keep thinking about that doppelgänger?"

"Brother, What are you implying?"

"That you were foolish enough to fall for her." Klaus said upset.

"I have feelings for no one."

"Do not lie to me." Klaus yelled.

"Niklaus, please try to be quiet. More people are living here and they are probably asleep. Let's not wake them up for one of your delusions." Elijah said, trying to remain as calm as possible.

"Are you really trying to paint me as a fool? I know you, brother. And I can see you're quickly falling for her." Klaus said. "Did you forget what happened the last time you fall for a doppelgänger? I will not have you ruin my plans once more. And you better be careful because you know what I'm capable of doing to people who betray me."

"Everyone is doing everything you want, Niklaus

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"Everyone is doing everything you want, Niklaus. Elena is giving you her own blood. Miss Forbes is being there for you and is trying to keep the hybrids from rebelling against you again. Miss Bennett and Davina Claire are being as helpful as they can, letting you use them for whatever spell you need to make. I and our siblings are still here for you, even after all the times you decided to dagger us... How can you still try to make us look the bad guy?"

"Right. I'm the bad guy. How could I forget? I'm the monster. I'm the abomination. I'm the bastard. That's all I am to you, isn't it? Well, I'll play the role it's been giving me."


"Enough! We have said all that it needs to be said, brother." Klaus said and left.

" Klaus said and left

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Caroline woke up in the middle of the night and tried to go back to sleep but for some reason she couldn't, so she decided to go get some blood and microwave it to see if warm blood would help her, but suddenly she saw a door half open and inside there was a light, meaning someone else was up. Caroline, being the curious girl she is, she walked over to the door and when opened it, she saw Klaus painting in an angry way.

"Caroline..." Klaus said, stopping painting, not needing to turn around to know it was her because he knew her scent all too well.

"Klaus... Sorry. I... I didn't know it was you. I just saw the light on and I came to see who was it." Caroline said. "I was just about to leave, so..."


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"Fine. Leave. That's all everyone does..." Klaus whispered to himself but Caroline used her supernatural hearing to listen to what he said.

"What do you mean? You have siblings who love you unconditionally and stay by your side no matter what."

"Only because they fear me. Only because I still have the daggers in my power." Klaus said and turned to face her. "It's not like you care, anyway. At best, you're concerned with their safety and nothing more."

"Are you really playing the victim?" Caroline said in disbelief.

"How could I? I'm the big bad wolf. I'm the original hybrid. I'm the abomination. I'm the bastard." Klaus said.


"Sleep with me tonight." Klaus cut her off.

"Wait. What?"

"Sleep with me tonight. Just this one time." Klaus whispered with his puppy dog eyes that Caroline couldn't say no to.

"Alright. Just this once." Caroline whispered.


Klaus and Caroline were both laying down in his bed. Caroline was resting her head in his chest, having his arms wrapped around her, while she brushed his beard with her thumb, which gave him a sense of calm.

"Do you think I'm an abomination?" Caroline whispered, making Klaus look at her in shock.

"Of course not. Why would you think that?"

"I don't know... You called yourself an abomination... I'm an hybrid... just like you. If you think being an hybrid is being an abomination, then..."

"You are not an abomination, Love. You're very far from it." Klaus whispered and gave her a peck in the forehead.

"Seriously?" Caroline asked in a shy way, which was very unlike Caroline.

"Yes." Klaus whispered, making Caroline look at him and smile to him.

He leaned in and caressed her nose with his, making her close her eyes to let herself enjoy their little moment.

"You're magnificent, Caroline Forbes." Klaus whispered then rolled them over so he could be on top. "I missed you."

"Seriously? Didn't you just miss having someone by your side when you are horny or want a partner in crime?"

"I miss that too. But I also missed our conversations. You are the one who I can talk to and who can actually calm me down." Klaus said and brushed her nose with his, enjoying feeling how close their lips were.

They were so close, yet so far...

"Klaus..." Caroline whispered as Klaus leaned in to be as close as possible, making her feel his breath against her skin, making her dead heart beat faster.

Caroline felt herself leaning in, wrapping her arms around his neck while grabbing his hair, pulling him closer to her.


"Just shut up and kiss me." Caroline said and they kissed passionately.

AN: Hey guys! Next week, it will start my classes and I'll start my new internship

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AN: Hey guys! Next week, it will start my classes and I'll start my new internship. Meaning, I don't know how it will be updating this book (or my other book, for that matter) but I hope you'll understand if I can't keep updating every week or if I'll have to put it on hold. I have no chapters written ahead, so I'm more than happy to listen/read your suggestions. 

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