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Caroline went to see Bonnie and found her talking with Kol in her room.

"Hey guys! Sorry to interrupt but I kinda want to ask something to you, Bonnie." Caroline said.

"I can come back later." Kol said.

"No. It's quick. It's not secret nor anything like that." Caroline said to Kol and then looked at Bonnie. "Bonnie, have you talked with Davina yet? About what happened..."

"No... I'm trying to figure out a way to tell her about this whole thing." Bonnie admitted.

"Do you think it's okay for me to be the one telling her?" Caroline asked.

"Sure. Why do you want to tell her?" Bonnie asked.

"I was the one who bitten Marcel and the reason to why he is suffering. I think she should know what happened from me." Caroline said.

"Are you sure? What if she gets upset and hurts you?" Bonnie asked.

"You better not put my nephew in more danger." Kol said.

"I deserve to have Davina mad at me. I always try to make the right decision but when I saw Marcel with the white oak stake I couldn't think, my instinct was just to stop him from killing Klaus." Caroline said.

"How's Nik?" Kol asked.

"He's better. He drank some blood and now is resting." Caroline said.

"Do you want me to be there when you'll tell Davina?"

"No, thank you. I think it's better if I do this on my own." Caroline said and Bonnie nodded, then Caroline left and walked over to Davina's room.

"Davina... are you there?" Caroline asked after knocking on Davina's door and a few seconds later Davina opened the door.

"Hey, Caroline! How are you? What happened?" Davina asked because no one has talked with Davina since they got back.

"Hey, Caroline! How are you? What happened?" Davina asked because no one has talked with Davina since they got back

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"I have something to tell you and I think it's better for you to seat down." Caroline said and so Davina sat down in the bed as Caroline sat in the arm chair, facing Davina. "As you know, Klaus was missing."

"Yeah... and what happened?"

"He was being kidnapped by someone close to him... Someone who wanted a payback, who was angry at him and wanted revenge." Caroline said.

"Oh! Who was it?" Davina asked curious.

"Marcel." Caroline said.

"What?" Davina asked trying to process the information.

"Yeah... and he found a white oak stake and was about to kill Klaus, so he could get back the throne of New Orleans but I stopped him by bitting him. And because I'm part werewolf, he is now suffering. We will give him Klaus's blood but for now he is in the basement..." Caroline said. "I know he was and is a very important person in your life. I know I must seem a monster in your eyes but at the moment all I could think about was saving the people that will be part of my baby's family. I couldn't let Marcel kill Klaus. But I know there's no excuse I can give you to stop you from being hurt so... all I can say is I'm sorry. I truly never wanted to do this but when it comes to protecting my child and the ones close to me..."

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