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It's been a month and Klaus was now preparing a party where he would be gathered with the werewolves, vampires, witches and humans who were interested in helping him take down Marcel's kingdom

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It's been a month and Klaus was now preparing a party where he would be gathered with the werewolves, vampires, witches and humans who were interested in helping him take down Marcel's kingdom.

Klaus was taking care of the people who would appear and the things he should know about them to look good in conversation with the help of Elijah. Caroline was the one in charge of decoration, while Bonnie and Elena made sure the Mikaelsons wouldn't forget about food because there would also be humans and witches in the party.

Once the mansion was perfect for the party, Caroline decided to go talk with Klaus but, as she walk down the hallway, she saw Elena getting out of his room with an upset look, making her go to see Elena.

"Hey, Elena! What's going on?"

"Nothing. I just... I have nothing to wear so I probably won't go and stay in my room..." Elena whispered but Caroline could see it was a lie.

"Elena, we are best friends. What happened?"

"It's stupid but... I'm upset I can't be in the party. And you are right... I was lying about why I can't go to this party. The real reason is that Klaus isn't very into the idea of me being in this party because he thinks that if someone sees me, they will use me against him so he will no longer be able to make hybrids." Elena said, making Caroline very upset with Klaus.

"This is a masquerade ball... I have an idea about how to convince Klaus in letting you go to the party."

"Care, I don't want you to get in trouble because of me." Elena said because she knew how Klaus was and she didn't want Klaus to hurt Caroline for always trying to bend out his rules.

"I won't get in any trouble. Don't worry. Just go prepare yourself for the party. You are not only spending most of the time in this mansion but you also are providing Klaus your blood so he can make more hybrids. You deserve to go to a damn party." Caroline said and went to Klaus's room before Elena could argue.

Caroline went to Klaus's room without even knocking, making her face a shirtless Klaus.

"Klaus, can you... can you get dress... so we can talk?" Caroline tried to ask firmly and tried to not look too much at his 6 pack.

"Why? Do you get distracted when I'm shirtless?" Klaus smirked, making Caroline scoff and roll her eyes.

"Why? Do you get distracted when I'm shirtless?" Klaus smirked, making Caroline scoff and roll her eyes

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