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After breakfast, Caroline went with Klaus to his office so they could talk privately.

"What was so important that you wanted me all to yourself, love?" Klaus asked with a smirk.

"Bonnie texted me, saying that Davina feels every time someone makes a spell and that she just runs over to a place where she can paint the person. She doesn't even do this on purpose. Bonnie believes she has too much power and might be the reason why sometimes that happened. She thinks Davina might be in danger because apparently too much power can make her be like a ticking time bomb." Caroline said.

"And what do you suggest me to do? To give her back to Marcel? No way."

"Well, when Bonnie was new at being a witch, her emotions sometimes took the best of her and maybe Davina needs to have a real conversation with you so she can see that we are the good guys in all this." Caroline said and Klaus started to laugh, making Caroline look at him confused.

" Caroline said and Klaus started to laugh, making Caroline look at him confused

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"I'm sorry, love. It's just... It's been a long time since someone referred to me as the good guy."

"Well, you are being a good guy in this. You are trying to be a king and give everyone peace and harmony. That's something good guys do." Caroline said.

"If talking with her will help in getting her trust, then fine." Klaus shrugged.

"Great! Let me just get my B+ and let's go!" Caroline smiled.


Caroline and Klaus got to the safe house and went to talk with Davina while Bonnie and Kol gave an excuse to go to the other room, so Bonnie could ask Kol what Klaus and Caroline were going to say to Davina.

"So... you are the guy I've heard so much about." Davina said, not sure how to feel about him.

"Yes. I'm Klaus Mikaelson. The Original hybrid. I'm immortal and I cannot be killed." Klaus said, ignoring how Caroline rolled her eyes with the way he present himself to Davina.

" Klaus said, ignoring how Caroline rolled her eyes with the way he present himself to Davina

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"Is he for real?" Davina asked Caroline.

"Yeah... I mean, he can be annoying and all but he is trying to do good. He wants to be king so then he will have the power to make the city a place where every faction can live in harmony and community." Caroline smiled.

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