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It was afternoon and the girls decided to have some girl time, making the guys have some guy time as well.

Caroline, Elena, Bonnie, Rebekah and Davina were in Bonnie's room, which was spelled to be soundproof so no one could hear what they were saying.

"Care, just tell us!" Elena said because Caroline as been surrounding the subject for some time now.

"Okay..." Caroline said nervous. "So... Klaus and I have been growing closer and closer and..."

"If this is about how you got pregnant, we kinda guessed how it happened." Rebekah said.

"No... Last night, Klaus and I..." Caroline said in a shy way, starting to blush more and more. "You can guess..."

"What does that mean? Are you and my brother dating?"

"What does that mean? Are you and my brother dating?"

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"Maybe... We are trying to take things slow. This is like a test for us to see if we can work out and if not, then we will break up before the baby arrives... We don't want to hurt our baby's childhood with drama of our romantic lives... So, if we truly want to give us a try, it's now or never." Caroline said. "But don't start celebrating because, like I said, we are trying to take things slow."

Rebekah quickly started to laugh like if it was the most hilarious thing she ever heard, making the girls look at her confused.

"What's so funny?" Caroline asked.

"You saying that you and Nik will take things slow. Come on! You got pregnant even before you two decide to start dating. You two are not the take things slow kind of people. Besides, it's not like you have to worry about getting more pregnant." Rebekah said and the girls laughed softly at Rebekah's comment.

"Yeah, but when I said taking things slow, I meant, not making a big deal out of all this. Trying to keep on the down low so we can have privacy and feel free to let the relationship work organically." Caroline said.


Klaus was with Elijah, Kol and Stefan in the library so they could talk in privacy, but in the last half hour it was more the guys listening to Klaus rant.

"So to summarize... Caroline and I are finally together. We are very happy. I understand your jealous but of course that if any of you tries to ruin what I have with Caroline I will find a way to ruin your lives." Klaus said with a smirk but his eyes showed how serious he was about the last part.

"Just like you ruined 30 minutes of my existence just with a rant about how you are so in love with Barbie?" Kol asked, making Klaus growl

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"Just like you ruined 30 minutes of my existence just with a rant about how you are so in love with Barbie?" Kol asked, making Klaus growl. "I'm just being honest. I think that sometimes I wish to be back in the coffin instead of listening to you or see you pinning over for that baby vampire."

"Shut up before I decide to use the dagger on you again." Klaus said.

"Such a sensitive subject... She really turned you from a wolf to a puppy. I won't admire if I find Caroline making you use a leash..." Kol said and took a sip of his bourbon.

"Brother, there's no need to make those silly comments. Niklaus, I'm truly happy that you found someone who makes you this happy. I haven't seen you like this for a long time. I'm glad you're happy."

"Yeah, so he won't have to bother us." Kol mumbled, making Klaus give him a death look, Elijah give him a look that would yell for him to be polite while Stefan laughed softly.

"Klaus, you better take good care of Caroline. I mean, she's a strong person and she acts like she can go through a lot without anyone's help but she's not as tough as she tries to show she is. I know her, and I know she truly likes you... So as Caroline's best friend and your old friend I ask you to be careful and try to do your best to make this work. I would say I would kill you or kidnap and torture you if you hurt her but I know she would be against that since you are the father of her baby. But I still can try to make your life more difficult." Stefan said.

"And don't you forget that you are starting to get close with our sister and usually when that happens, Nik ends up killing them, so I if I were you I would be careful

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"And don't you forget that you are starting to get close with our sister and usually when that happens, Nik ends up killing them, so I if I were you I would be careful." Kol said, feeling now tipsy, starting to have less filter than usual.

"That's true. I've noticed you and Rebekah growing closer. Is there something we should know?" Elijah asked.

"If you hurt her I will find a way to convince Caroline to let me torture you." Klaus said.

"Wow! Barbie really is changing you..." Kol said to herself. "She deserves an award or something. I mean she made the big bad hybrid go from having a bad reputation to be pinning over her and draw her in a unicorn and ending up being this little puppy we are seeing."

"Says the guy who's pinning over the Bennett witch." Klaus said.

"I am not! I just think she's beautiful and smart and brave and I want her to know and if I was human I wouldn't mind of her being the mother of my unborn child." Kol said. "We would have the perfect amount of kids to make a baseball team. They would be incredibly beautiful and smart."

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