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Caroline quickly marked an appointment with a gynecologist to make sure there was some mistake. When she turned into a hybrid she had to learn to accept that she would never fulfill a dream of having a child and now this was sprung on her and she did not know what to think. She always wanted a child but not like this, not with a man who is known as the big bad wolf, not with a man she never even dated.

Once it was time for the appointment, Klaus went with Caroline. In fact, Klaus had been following Caroline around even more since he heard the doctor telling them that she was pregnant and he didn't know what to think, on one hand that would be impossible but on the other, he always wanted kids until their parents turn him and his siblings into vampires. But having a kid also would mean he would have every enemy going after his child and he always felt love was a vampires greatest weakness even if Caroline made him sometimes doubt his theory was right.

When it was finally called Caroline's name, they both got up from the chairs in the waiting room.

"What are you doing?"

"If you are pregnant then I'm the father of this child and I deserve to know if you are pregnant or not as much as you do."

"I can tell you." Caroline said crossing her arms. "Or don't you trust me?"

"Caroline, I have as much right to go to this appointment as you do." Klaus said.

"Whatever." Caroline said.

They both went in and when it was finally time to see if Caroline was pregnant or not, Klaus was seating next to Caroline waiting for the doctor to say something.

"I think this is enough. It's clear I'm not pregnant." Caroline said.

"When it's in the early stage we can't always find it." The gynecologist said. "Hang on... you see that dot...? That's your baby. Congratulations! You are pregnant."

"I am?" Caroline asked.

"She is?" Klaus asked.

"Yes! Congratulations! You're about to be parents." The gynecologist said and Klaus hugged Caroline tightly.

After the appointment, Caroline wanted to go have some ice cream so Klaus took her to a garden as he texted someone.

"Why are we here? I thought you were gonna take me to eat some ice cream." Caroline said annoyed.

"Patience, Love." Klaus said and got a text, making him look and face a man, he went over to the man and got back with a cooler box.

"What's that?"

"You wanted some ice cream so I asked a person I know in Italy to bring some of the best ice cream there is. I only want you and my child to have the best of the best." Klaus said and gave her a box of ice cream and a spoon.

"Oh my God! This is amazing!" Caroline moaned, like if it was the best thing she had ever tasted.

"I'm glad you like it, love." Klaus said with a smirk, loving how Caroline could be so happy with the most simple of things.

"Klaus, we need to have a real talk about this whole baby thing. How are we gonna do this? Do you really want a baby? What about all the people who wants to hurt you? I don't think I can live a life on the run... and I don't want you to blame me for having this child. If you don't want this child, I'll raise him or her by myself. And I won't tell anyone who is the father."

"I want this baby. After all, every kind need an heir." Klaus said with a smirk, making Caroline roll her eyes not very amused. "Look, I have no idea how we are going to do this. But I want to have this child. I believe this child is what it's always been missing, it might be the glue to my family. I've had a terrible father and I want to make sure my child won't pass through the same pain I did."

"Really?" Caroline asked with her eyes watery.

"Yes. But please don't cry." Klaus said softly.

"Sorry. It must be the hormones." Caroline said laughing softly.

"I also think it's best for our baby if we live together. I want to make sure nothing happens to you." Klaus said.

"Fine. But it's only for the baby's sake and because I don't want to stop you from being there to feel the baby's first kick and all those things that happen in pregnancy." Caroline said. "And I need you to promise me that whatever happens, we will raise this child as a team. I want us to make decisions as a team. I don't care if you are used to do things how you want. I want us to be a team on this. We both have the same amount of power and decision."

"Agreed, Love." Klaus said softly. "Come on, let's go home."

Caroline reunited her friends to tell them she was pregnant and Klaus was the father and Klaus reunited his siblings to give them the same information and they also asked their loved ones to keep this a secret for now because they don't want to bring this to anyone's attention for the protection of their child.


It was night and Klaus finally convinced Caroline to sleep on his bedroom for the time she would be pregnant. She tried to tel him she could take care of herself but he didn't want to take any chances and wanted to be sure Caroline and their baby would be safe and sound.

"You have no idea how happy I am." Klaus smiled.

"Really? Don't you wish you would have gotten some other girl pregnant?" Caroline asked because for how much she fought, she still had her insecurities.

"There's no other woman I wish to have my baby with. If I'll have a baby, I'm glad you are it's mother." Klaus said softly and kissed her forehead, making her smile.

Next on the Pact

"You didn't. I just... I want us to be on the same page."
"And you might be able to live your life as you wish..."
"Elijah, you better close your mouth before a fly gets in."

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