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Bonnie didn't know much about Klaus and his plans so she couldn't give much information to Davina about what was going on, which made Davina upset and suspicious so Bonnie called Caroline because everyone was very aware that Caroline and Elijah were the ones Klaus was trusting the most with the plan.

Bonnie decided to ask Caroline and not Elijah because sometimes Elijah could be too tense, instead of Caroline who was taking this seriously but tried not to be very tense about it.

Once Caroline got to the safe house, Bonnie took her to the room where Davina slept in and was locked in.

"Are you sure I'm the best person to talk with her about this? I mean... I'm a vampire. She probably won't trust me that much." Caroline whispered in the hallway before going to Davina's room.

"Care, the people who have more information about this plan is Klaus, you and Elijah. Klaus wants to keep a secret who he is and Elijah is always so serious and tense that it makes someone feel uncomfortable. You, on the other hand, know about the plan and you have this thing that let people be comfortable around you and trust you. She might be a little suspicious but you'll end up showing her that you're trustworthy and that we are doing a good thing." Bonnie whispered, making Caroline nod and smile to her best friend.

Caroline took a deep breath and knock on the door, quickly Davina opened the door and let her come in.

"Hey! How are you doing? I mean, I'm sure you aren't very happy with everything that is going on but... how are you handling things?"

"I'm still processing everything. You know... Marcel isn't a monster. I know he did and is still doing bad things but... he is not heartless. He cares. He saved my life. His first rule is no killing, hurting or drinking from kids." Davina whispered. "He buys me clothes and food and protects me... or at least he did."

"I can't speak in the name of everyone but I don't think he is a monster

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"I can't speak in the name of everyone but I don't think he is a monster. I think he is doing wrong things but... when I think about it, I might sometimes be judgy but I don't have the moral to say he is an awful person because of the people he killed. I also have blood on my hands, the same with my friends. So... I try to make myself believe that by trying to be better, I am capable of being saved and so everyone else."

"What does this guy who you're working for thinks?"

"I am not sure but I don't think he will kill Marcel, if that's what you're concerned about."

"Why? I mean, Marcel has been the King for a long time. No one was able to get his throne. How this guy is thinking of getting the throne?" Davina asked.

"He... He has his plans. I don't know all the details because he prefers to maintain things secretive and tell us about the plan as we go, but I do know that part of his plan is having every faction on his side. His goal isn't simply getting the throne, he also wants to see the city live in harmony like once was." Caroline said. "And if this guy wanted to kill Marcel, he would have done it already."

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