I Thought You Were Dead {Dean Winchester}

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""Y/n, whatever you do, do not touch that cube. Okay?" Your dad says to you. 

"Yes dad I know, Jack's the only person that can touch it" You say. Your dad pulls you in for a hug and kisses the top of your head. "Okay, lets go" You run into your position behind the tree. You see Jack running out and fighting with the ghost soldiers. He initially gets the upper hand, but they outnumber him. Your dad, Cas and Sam all try to help him, but they fail miserably and all end up on the floor. You see on of the soldiers go to grab the cube, you can't let that happen. You come out from your hiding spot and run into the fight, ignoring your fathers pleads for you to stop. You take the cube from its holding frame and look at it as it starts to burn your hand.

"Y/n! No!" Cas yells out. You turn your head around to look at him as your hair falls out from its ponytail.

"I'm sorry" You say. The only way to make sure it's safe is if you absorb it's power. You smash it on the ground. You scream as the power engulfs around you. Your dad tries to save you, but Sam and Jack hold him back. They all cover their eyes and when the remove their hands, find they are no longer in the bunker.

"What the hell? Take us back! She could still be out there!" Dean yells. Sam puts a hand on his big brothers back.

"I'm sorry man." He says. He takes his hand off of Deans back and heads to his room. Jack says nothing.

"There is no way she could've survived a blast like that" Cas says to Dean. Cas and Jack leave the room and leave Dean on his own. He stands still, his only movements being his breathing. He begins tearing up, wishing he never let you come. Wishing it was him who took on it's power. He begins lashing out and throwing things, letting all his pent up anger out.

You stand on the field, looking around, confused. Who are you? Where are you? What are you? You look down at your hands and see a blue and gold aura surrounding them. You see a person coming towards you. They hold their hand out to you and you start feeling light headed. You pass out. The person drags your body away. 

"Wipe her just to be sure, if she absorbed the power of the pentrax cube she'll be one of the most powerful beings alive" Someone says. They sound distant, but you know they're there. You try to fight back, but you feel heavy, so you just lay limp. All of a sudden, you feel yourself being lifted upside down. You feel a sharp electric pain being shot through your skull. You scream out in pain. This continues for a few seconds before you fall to the floor. You hit the floor with an audible 'oof' and groan.

"Ugh...where am I?" You say. The two demons look to each other and smile.

"Your name is op" One of them says.

"And you're in...you're home. This is your home" The other says, you nod slowly, your head still stinging. You look over to the demons and see their eyes flick to black. You stand up and back away from them, your powers flaring up.

"What the hell are you?" You say, in fear and in anger. You clench your fist and hold it out to them.

"We just want to help you" They say calmly.

"Well you don't look like the helpful type." You say back. 

"Get her" One of them says. The other lunges at you. You move out of the way and start fighting with him. You use your powers to burn the sides of both of their faces. You run out of the building and through the forest. You hear them conversing between each other.

"Go that way, try and find her" One of them says. You bang your hands together in the hopes of cooling your powers down. You take a few deep breathes and see the aura disappear. You sigh and then sprint out of the forest. You get out and fall to your knees, wishing you knew who you are and where you are. 

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