You're Gonna Be The One Who Saves Me {B.Barnes}

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You sneak around the Avengers base, your weapon clutched tightly in your hands. You're on high alert, knowing Wanda could be anywhere. To explain your mission simply, Wanda had been kidnapped and put under HYDRA's control again, and they decided it to be a good idea to send her to the Avengers compound to bring you and your dad back, not gonna happen darling. You, Sam, Steve, and your dad, Bucky agreed to get her back to normal, your experiences with HYDRA proving handy in situations like this. You round to the corner quietly and try your best to make out any figures in the dark abyss in front of you, but the lights flick on and your eyebrows knit together in confusion.  You've no time to process the events before Wanda appears beside you and uses her powers. As her powers work on you, your eyes start glowing a bright shade of red. You try to fight back, but Wanda disappears before you can do anything. You push yourself up the wall and walk down the hall, but when you blink, it turns into the last HYDRA base you were kept in before you were rescued. You walk down the halls, your eyes wandering over to a window. You look into the room and see two people strapped to beds, being experimented on with some cream colored serum being injected into their bodies. Someone stands beside you as you stand at the window.

"You'll kill them," You say, sounding out of breath. 

"Only if they don't survive, you were unkillable," She says. You turn around to look at her, but you're greeted with another scene from your past. You see a smaller version of yourself fighting the Winter Soldier, and you're beating him easily. Your dad doesn't remember this, but this must be buried deep, you didn't know you remembered this. You appeared to be doing well, but he grabs you with his metal arm and he flips you down onto the mat and the wind's knocked out of your lungs. Present-day you close your eyes and you fall back against a wall, and when they open, you find yourself in a house, more specifically in a bedroom. You look over to the door and see a child entering the room. Your gaze wanders over to the closet, where you see the metallic glint of a knife, you know it's you. The young girl climbs into her bed and your breath stops when the closet door slides open, revealing a younger you dressed in all black. The young you walks over and shoves the knife into the little girl's neck, making her yelp. You cover your mouth and shield your eyes. The other you press the button on her comms device.

"It's done. She's dead" She says, making your heart skip a beat at how little emotion was there. You sit in shock, a look of disturbance on your face. When you close your eyes, you end up back at the HYDRA base, but in a wiping room. You watch from the same window from earlier. You watch yourself getting wiped for the first time. You stumble back and slide down the wall. 

"Y/N it's me"


"Y/N! Y/N we got h-" Sam yells, running through the halls trying to find you. He finds you sitting against a wall, your knees pulled up to your chest and your eyes glowing red. "Barnes!" He yells. Bucky hears Sam calling his name and he makes sure that Steve'll be okay looking after Wanda. Bucky sets off to find you. When he finds you, his heart stops. Your red eyes are glassy with tears, your body's shaking and you're just staring in front of you, still trapped in the nightmare Wanda encased you.

"Y/N, " Bucky says quietly, walking towards you with his hand held out. "Y/N It's me, it's dad" He assures you. You let out a deep breath and close your eyes, opening them to reveal them going back to their regular Y/E/C. You shake your head and look up at your dad, a look of slight fear in your eyes. Bucky goes through the routine that he'd go through if you have a nightmare, remembering from what he heard from Natasha and Steve that the things they saw could be comparable to a nightmare. He holds his flesh hand out and takes your hand gently. He places your hand over his heart. You stop shaking and you calm down. He moves your hand away and pulls you up onto your feet and you just stand, saying nothing to anyone. "Y/N it's okay, you're here with us, you're safe" Bucky reassures you. You turn your head and make eye contact with him.

"Safe," You say with little to no emotion in your voice.

"Yes, safe. No one's going to get you now, you're okay" He says. You walk into his embrace.

"I was back there, I saw everything." You tell him. "I was a monster, I-I killed a child," You say. Bucky's heart drops.

"You didn't, the other version of you did. It wasn't the Y/N Barnes that I know" He says.

"You don't know me at all" You murmur, hoping he doesn't hear you.

"Why don't you go to your room, I'll be there in a few minutes. Me and Sam are going to make sure that Steve's okay with Wanda" He suggests. You nod your head and walk to your room, leaving your dad and Sam. "She isn't okay Sam, whatever Wanda's done, it's messed her up badly," Bucky says. Sam sighs.

"When I found her, she was murmuring a set of words, something in Russian I think," Sam tells him. Bucky nods in thanks and follows after you. "I'll go check on Steve, you need to make sure she's okay" Sam tells him. Bucky nods and runs after you.


You pace around your room, your hands in your hair and pulling at your roots. You force yourself down to your bed, but your knee still bounces. You grit your teeth as something inside of you breaks. You reach over to the picture on your bedside table. In it, it is you and your dad, but you don't see that. You see a young assassin and the winter soldier. Your hands shake as you look at the picture. You flinch when the door opens, and in the doorway stands your dad. 

"Y/N, listen to me. I'm not going to hurt you, okay?" He says. You keep a hard stare on him.

"You're not my dad!" You say, lunging for him. He grabs you by the shoulders and keeps you at his arms length.

"Y/N Stop! Just, stop! You need to calm the hell down." He says, his assertive voice coming through. You look up at him, a look of anger plastered onto your face. He sits you down on your bed, still keeping a distance. "You're safe, okay? No one here is going to hurt you." He reassures you. You shake your head.

"You did," You say. Bucky furrows his eyebrows.

"What? When?" He asks you.

"You're the one who trained me" You reply. Bucky's face softens.

"I know. I know and sorry. Y/N/N I-" That name, that damn name. Wanda's magic completely lifts and you close your eyes and shake your head. When you open your eyes, you just see your dad, looking at you with a look of concern. "Y/N, are you okay?" He asks you.

"Yeah, my head hurts a little, but I'm okay," You tell him.

"You...You don't remember what happened?" He asks you. You frown but shake your head. "Oh sweetheart, I'm sorry you had to see it all again." He says, putting his arm around you and pulling you into his side. It's comforting, and you find yourself falling asleep, somehow. You fall asleep in your dad's arms.


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