The Best Things About You {S. Stan}

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You sat on the couch in front of the camera. Your manager had called you earlier that morning and told you that she had booked you something, but she hadn't exactly explained what you were doing. So you had told your dad and he too said that he had something to do around about the same time near where you were going, so he said he would drive you to it. And that was the quick summary of events that brought you to your current situation. You looked around and you felt like you were on the set of a living room of a 90's family sitcom. The plants were very obviously fake, I mean, you were pretty sure that pink leaves were only a real thing in the old My Little Pony cartoons you used to watch when you were younger. But the couch was one of the most comfortable ones you had ever sat on, and you had sat on a lot of couches. Your attention turned to the woman who sat in the chair a few feet in front of you.

"Good morning, Y/n," She says. She seemed to be in a good mood, judging by the grin on her face.

"Good morning" You reply. You had put on a smile, you were of course, happy to be there. But you had only slept for 3 hours, so you weren't exactly in the mood to be socializing right now.

"You're probably wondering why you're here, at 11 in the morning and running on minimal sleep," She says. You laugh lightly and nod.

"Yep, you got that right," You say.

"Well, we were thinking about something. Single moms have always been given all  of the recognition, but single dads never get talked about as much as they should." She says. You nodded. "So, in honor of single dads. We wanted to make a video of a child of a single dad listing off all of the reasons why they think that theirs is the best." She continues. 

"I hope you have a lot of time because we're gonna be here all day if you want me to list off every reason." You say.

"Just give us your best reasons," She says. You nodded and rubbed your hands together as you gathered the most important reasons that you could think of.

"Uh...Well, when my mom told my dad she was pregnant and she said she didn't want me, he said he would look after me and he didn't even think about it. He dropped everything and got everything together for when I was born, and when I was he flew right over to where my mom lived as soon as he found out she was in labor." You explain. "And he was the first person to hold me because my mom didn't want me in the first place. So that's one reason, why he could be branded the best dad ever." You add on. 

"And...When I was younger and I couldn't sleep, he used to just take me out of bed and build a fort in the living room. He would cover it in blankets and pillows and he would put on a Disney movie until I fell asleep. And I would be lying if I said he doesn't still do it, maybe minus the fort" You explain. 

"Well, some people presume that being a daughter to a single dad is really awkward when you first get your period or stuff like that, can you explain what happened then?" She asks you. You laughed and nodded.

"Oh God, I think I was...12? I don't know, but I woke up and I looked back at my bed and seen this little red spot on my bed, and I had originally thought I was dying. So I ran into the bathroom in my room and I slammed the door shut, and I woke my dad up. I was literally panicking so much" You paused when you looked up at the interviewer and saw her laughing. "It's not funny, okay! I was really scared because I was bleeding and didn't know why!... Anyway, he ended up talking me into opening the door and explaining what was happening to me to him. Then he explained what a period was to me and it was the single most unawkward thing I have ever experienced. Later that day we went to Target and he let me pick out any candy and literal junk food that I wanted and when we went home, I nearly died when he volleyed a hot water bottle at me, but my lightning-quick reflexes kicked in and I caught it.  Then we watched some crappy horror movies and laughed at them because of how bad they are. It was fun" You say.

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