She's Not My Mom! {S.Stan}

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You groan as you walk out of school, seeing Maria's car instead of your dad's. Maria is your stepmom, and you do not like her. She came into your life uninvited, and suddenly she thinks she's your mom and has authority over you? Haha, not gonna happen, darling. You look at Y/BF/N and they laugh at you.

"You really don't like her, do you?" They ask you. You laugh humorlessly and shake your head,

"No, I don't" You confirm.

"Maybe you should give her a chance, you might find that you like her" They suggest.

"Thanks, but no thanks." You reply. "I'll see you tomorrow, Y/F/N," You say, bidding farewell to your friend. Your face hardens as you get into the back of Maria's car, a scowl etched onto your features. She turns around to look at you.

"Hey Y/n!," She says. "Did you have a good day at school?" She asks you.

"Yeah I did, right until like 20 seconds ago" You answer. "Where's my dad, wasn't he supposed to be picking me up today?" You ask her.

"Yeah, but I thought since it's October break we could go on a little girls weekend together, just me and you" She suggests, pulling out of the school and getting on the route to the house.

"Yeah, as fun as that sounds, I have plans with my friends Maria," You say, making her frown.

"All week?" She says, sounding defeated.

"Yeah, all week. What, does it bother you?" You say, murmuring your last sentence. Maria sighs and keeps her eyes on the road as you blast your music from your headphones. When she pulls into the driveway of your house, you get out before she can speak to you. You walk into the house and see your dad sitting on the couch scrolling through social media. He looks up when he hears you coming through the door.

"Hey sweetheart, how was school?" He asks you.

"It was fine, I have an English essay to write, but it isn't due for about a month." You inform him.

"Well you can start it next week, did Maria tell you about the week she has planned?" He questions you.

"Yeah, but I'm busy pretty much all this week. Plans with Y/F/N most of the week" You say, reality, you don't have any plans with them, they're on vacation in Ibizia with their parents for the week.

"Well, there's always other times, right?" He says, looking over your shoulder and seeing Maria come through the door. She walks over and kisses your dad, making you gag and turn away, going to your room.

"We're having Pizza for dinner!" Your dad says as you walk away. You walk into your room and close the door, thankful for escaping from Maria. You walk over and sit on your bed, catching a glimpse of the picture of your family on your nightstand. You're only about 4 in the picture, you're on top of your dads' shoulders and your mom's standing beside your dad, their hands interlocked and huge grins on all your faces. You'd just had your first day at the beach and you had the best day ever, it was the week before your mom got really sick, and she never recovered. You were 4 years old at the time, you didn't know what was going on, you just thought she had the flu and that your dad could cuddle her and make it better, but your dad knew, everyone appeared to know but you. You had been staying with your grandma a lot more, they were trying to keep you away from it, not wanting to scar you. But the day came where she was on her last day. Your dad had to take you, he couldn't do that to you or her. So the last thing she saw before she passed away, was you sleeping soundly in your dad's arms, one of his arms wrapped around you, and his hand in your mom's. When you woke up, you were confused, why wasn't she moving? Your dad took you outside and told you, and he held you when you started sobbing. His heart was breaking, he'd lost his perfect woman, and his daughter's mother. To this day, you can clearly remember the look on your dads face when he said the words.

"Mommy's gone, Y/n. She's up with the angels, but she'll always be with you" He said and you tilted your head, not completely understanding.

"What that mean?" You questioned, he held back a sob.

"She isn't coming home," He says. Then it hits you, and you can't stop the onslaught of tears.


A few hours later, a season of The Office and Parks and Rec down and a long nap taken, Maria strides into your room, causing your seemingly good mood to disappear as if it were never there.

"Geez, do you ever knock?" You murmur quietly. Maria looks at you sternly.

"Y/n." She warns you. You say nothing, shaking your head and walking past her, not replying to her. She sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose, the stress getting to her. You walk into the living room, seeing your dad flicking through Netflix in an attempt to find a movie that all three of you can watch, much to your dismay. There're two boxes of pizza on the coffee table and your water bottle filled with orange juice.

"Hey Kid, good nap?" Your dad asks you. You nod and throw yourself down onto the couch, burrowing yourself into his side. "Where's Maria?" You shrug your shoulders. As if on cue, Maria walks in and stands in front of you both.

"Seb I gotta go, something's came up, but I'll be up tomorrow, okay?" She says, shooting a deadly glare at you.

"Yeah that's okay," Your dad says. Maria bends down and places a kiss on your dad's lips. You shiver and internally gag.

"Y/n," She says, turning around and leaving the apartment. Your dad looks down at you then stands up, looming over you.

"Did you say anything to her?" He asks you.

"Nothing outta the ordinary" You answer nonchalantly. He groans in frustration.

"Why are being like this with her, she's only trying to bond with you, Y/n!" He says. You scoff and furrow your eyebrows at him.

"well-Well maybe I don't want to bond with her" You answer back.

"She has been nothing but nice to you and all you do is throw it back in her face, be honest with me Y/n, what is this really about?" He asks you. You feel your bottom lip quivering and you try to tuck it in, but your attempts are futile, and soon you find yourself breaking down in tears in your dad's arms. He frowns as you sob into his shirt. "Oh Y/n, you gotta talk to me, we can sort it out if we talk" He coaxes you. You calm down and you fall back onto the couch.

"I just miss her," You say, looking to your left and seeing your dad.

"I know, I miss her every day too. Is this what all this is about?" He asks you. You sigh and eventually nod. "She's trying too hard to be like your mom," He says, you nod in confirmation. "Well, I can talk to her about it, tell her to give you a little time" He suggests. You nod in response.

"Please do, if she lets me get used to her, I might like her" You confirm. Sebastian smiles and he throws his arm around you.

"Well, now we have two pizzas to demolish while we watch The Office," He says. You laugh nervously. "Y/N Stan you didn't," He says.

"Oh, but I did"


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