Dream Boys {S.Stan and C.Evans}

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You take on last look at your phone, hoping, wishing, praying for your dad to text you. But alas, he never did. He's always too busy with something, or is it someone? You never really bother to check again, if he's too busy for his only daughter, you can be too busy for him. You walk onto the set to be greeted with Sebastian and Chris.

"Y/n! Are you okay? You look like you're gonna burst into tears" Chris says.

"I'm fine, just a little down" You say. Sebastian puts his hand on your shoulder.

"Your dad being an ass again?" He asks you. You nod in response. "You shouldn't let him get to you" He tells you. You sigh and look up at him.

"It's just hard, he never texts me, not even on my birthday. He's forgotten about it for the past 5 years, so who am I to think that he'll text this year" You say,a dry laugh escaping your lips. Both men frown at your statement. "Anyways, I gotta go. I have a scene to film with Holland" You say, leaving both of them to let what you said sink in.

"Her dad's really missing out, huh" Chris says.

"Definitely, he'll see the movie and regret ever leaving her or Y/M/N" Sebastian replies. A lightbulb dings in Chris' head and he turns to Sebastian.

"Y'know how Y/n's always wanted to go to Disneyland?" Chris asks him. Sebastian nods. "Well she mentioned her birthday, why don't we ask her mom if we can take her! It'll be so fun!" Chris suggests. Sebastian thinks it over for a moment.

"Screw it, why not?"


The phone rings and Chris fistpumps.

"Hey Chris, what's happening? Is Y/n okay?" She asks, concerned as to why Chris is calling her number.

"Yes, Everything's fine, Y/M/N. I'm calling to ask you something" He says, silently praying she says yes.

"Shoot" She says.

"I was wondering if you would be okay with me and Seb taking Y/n to Disneyland on her birthday. She's just been really down in the dumps about her dad lately and-"

"Chris, you're rambling and yes, I'll let you and Sebastian take Y/n to Disneyland." She says, granting him permission.

"Yes!" He cheers. Your mom laughs.

"On one condition" She says.

"Okay" Chris replies.

"Don't break or lose her please" She says.

"I swear" Chris says. "Thanks Y/M/N!" He says.

"You're welcome Chris!" She says, hanging up the call. Chris walks out of his trailer and finds Sebastian talking to you.

"And then I said no, you need to- Ow!" Sebastian says, but getting dragged away by Chris abruptly. You laugh, being used to their antics. "What the hell man" Sebastian says, rubbing his hot ear.

"She said yes!" Chris says, clapping his hands.

"And, just so we're talking about the same thing-"

"Y/M/N says we can take Y/N to Disneyland!" Chris says, a smile on his face. Sebastian nods, but then shakes his head with his eyes wide and a widespread grin on his face.

"She did? oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!" He cheers. They look over to you and see you sitting on a bench, your posture slumped and a frown on your face. "She's still pretty bummed about her dad" Sebastian says.

"She has every right to be, dudes an asshole if he won't even text his daughter happy birthday." Chris says, he's never even met your dad and he hates the guys guts.


Your eyes peel open and you sigh, looking up to the plain white ceiling of your room. You roll over in your bed and groan as you grab your phone, notifications blocking the image of your homescreen. You answer a few messages from castmates and friends, and a few lucky fans on social media. The doorbell rings from downstairs and you sit up, every bone in your body begging for you to lay down and go back to sleep. But alas, you push yourself up and you walk to the landing, looking down at the door and seeing Chris and Sebastian at the door, your mom opening the door to let them in. They catch sight of you and laugh at your disheveled state.

"There's the birthday girl!" Seb cheers. A blush creeps over your cheeks as you walk down stairs, greeting the two men. You all engage in conversation, before Chris, Sebastian and your mom tell you to go and get ready, giving you a specific theme of 'Disney'. In all honesty, you felt like a contestant on Rupauls Drag Race, and you're up for elimination. You eventually found a red and white polka dot t-shirt, that you pair with a black denim skirt and a pair of air force ones.


"Okay, put this over your eyes" Sebastian says, handing you a blindfold. You take in your hands and raise an eyebrow at him.

"I've seen John Mulaney, I know about secondary locations. I'm concerned, yet curious" You say. Both of them laugh from the front seat.

"Do you wan't it to be a surprise or not?" Chris says. You roll your eyes and laugh, putting the blindfold on. Sebastian looks over to Chris before pulling up to the lanes for the entrance.


"Take it off" Chris' voice says. They'd taken you out of the car and lead you through, not once muttering a word as to what your location is. You're 110% they're going to kill you. You raise your hands and take the blindfold off. A huge smile graces on your face and your eyes fill with tears.

"Oh my-guys!" You say, throwing yourself into their arms. They smile down at you. "T-Thank you so much!" You thank them.

"Anything for our favourite girl" Chris says.

"What do you want to go on first?" Sebastian asks you.You think for a minute.before deciding.

"Teacups, everyone in separate ones and we see who can spin the fastest" You say, challenging the two men in front of you.

"Is that a challenge I sense Y/n?" Chris asks you.

"Oh but it is, Chris" You say, looking up at him.

"Okay, lets split it up before I end up with the challenge of whose mom I call first." Sebastian says, pushing you back from Chris. You and Chris race off to the Tea cups while Sebastian walks, like a normal human being while shaking his head. When he gets to the ride, he sees you and Chris standing by the fastpass entrance, waiting impatiently for him. 

"Hurry up!" You whine, sounding like a 3 year old rather than a Y/A year old. Sebastian laughs and you've had enough. You grab his hand and pull him in, Chris in tail.


You've never smiled so much, annnnd maybe vomited. But you did challenge them, so it was your own doing. Vomiting aside, you had possibly the best day of your life. Possibly the best moment was when Chris felt the need to grip your hand tight on Splash Mountain. You and Chris had decided to sit right up in the front carriage, and Chris, well Chris underestimated how big the drop was. You had your hands up, and Chris pulled them back down and had your hand covered by his, keeping it on his. Whether it was for your safety, or his peace of mind, no one will ever know, probably a mix of both. So after a long day at Disneyland, you're now asleep in the back of Chris' car while he drives back to the hotel in Florida. When he pulls the car into the parking lot, neither him or Sebastian have the nerve to wake you up. Sebastian walks over and picks you up and takes you up to your room, placing you on your bed and leaving you to sleep in peace.

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