The Bastards; Series

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Bucky Barnes x Sister!Reader

Part One; Little Bastards


Thanks to your incredible hacking skills, you had been able to get a live feed of all traffic cameras, security cameras, and any other form of camera you could possibly ever think of. The people who hired you said you could have access to anything you needed in order to get your job done, but what you needed, they could never give you. You managed to get yourself a small apartment in New York, it was minimalistic, it did the job of giving you a place to sleep, eat and keep yourself clean, and it was close to your job, double win. As you watched nothing happen on the screens in front of you, you sighed and walked away from them, throwing yourself down on your couch and closing your eyes, wishing the constant pounding inside of your head would let up and give you some peace. Ever since everything, HYDRA, escaping HYDRA, running from them, making sure you were free of them, you felt like there was a piece of you missing. Hell, a piece? There wasn't just one piece of you missing, your head was like a smashed up jigsaw, there were pieces of you everywhere, some closer than you originally thought. Like your brother. Who probably still thinks that you're dead and fair enough, you've been missing for about 80 years.


Sam knew that Bucky was at a low. His best friend had left him behind, 'End of the line my ass', Sam would say. But it would never get any more than a small smile from the super-soldier, which was understandable. If your best friend left you behind for a dead woman, you'd be sure you had a right to be a little more than pissed of, wouldn't you? 

"Sam?" He looked up from what he was doing and looked over at Bucky, who was leaning against the door frame of his garage.

"Man, how the hell do you keep getting into my house?" Sam asked. Bucky chuckled and smiled.

"It's pretty easy to pick a lock, Sam. And you have a habit for leaving your door wide open, you should probably fix that at some point," Bucky pointed out. "But that's not why I'm here, we all have our habits,"

"Well, why are you here?" Sam enquired. Bucky handed Sam his phone and watched as Sam read the police report over. "This was the guy that caused the whole UN bombing thing those years back?" 

"Among other things, yeah. Helmut Zemo; escaped from prison 3 days ago, haven't found him since," Sam exited the garage and walked to the kitchen, where Bucky followed him. 

"Did they find anything?" Sam asked. Bucky frowned before returning to normal.

"Nothing other than the bodies of the guards at his cell," He said grimly. Sam nodded and looked deep in thought before looking back to Bucky.

"And what does this have to do with us?" Bucky raised his eyebrows in shock.

"Did you seriously just ask that? This has everything to do with us," Sam scowled at Bucky's phrasing. "Alright, that didn't exactly sound right. But come on, Sam. You're telling me that you don't miss kicking ass out there?" Bucky asked. 

"I do, but we've barely been back a year. I'm still on vacation man, I'm sorry to tell you," Bucky's phone dings with a notification that he's quick to check.

"Well, pack up your shit and get your uniform on. Zemo isn't wasting any time in getting our attention, he's holding hostages in the Walcott in Manhattan," Bucky informed Sam. Sam reluctantly nodded and went to change.


You were staying with your big brother, James. He was your favourite sibling, but you would never let your older sisters know that, and even though he never admitted it, you knew you were your brother's favourite sister. He let you stay up until you fell asleep, and let you have some candy when your mom and dad weren't so keen on it. Bucky was 10 years older than you, so while you were 12, he was 22. He liked to come and get you from school and walk you home, he always did.

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