Captain HYDRA [S.Rogers]

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Warnings: Swearing, violence, angst

Word Count: 2.5k

A/N: I honestly loved writing this, I might do another part, depending on the feedback I receive from it! I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!


Steve carried your unconscious body out of the base after nearly losing you yet again. Getting onto the quinjet, he was faced with the shocked face of your godfather, Bucky. When you had gone missing, Bucky had felt immediate fear, knowing who had been the cause of your very disappearance.

"Holy shit, she's alive?" Bucky said, looking at you and then Steve.  Steve sat you down and looked for the handcuffs that were always kept on the jet and put them around your wrists, chaining you to the wall. "Steve, what are you doing?" Bucky asked.

"She's not Y/N, they did something to her. It's like she's the complete opposite of who she used to be, they called her Captain HYDRA," Steve told Bucky, going over to get the jet in the air and back to the compound and as quickly as possible, too. "Felt like a jab aimed at me." Steve mumbled.

"It's HYDRA, it's all jabs aimed at us," Bucky said, looking back over at you. You looked different, older and a lot tougher. "Did they say anything about what they did to her?" Bucky asked. Steve shook his head and sighed.

"They didn't say much, just said they knocked it out of her. I'm not quite sure I wanna know what it is," Steve said. A grunt got both of the super-soldiers attentions, turning around, they saw you waking up. You pulled your wrist and found that you were stuck.

"Wow," You mumbled. "Ah, Bucky Barnes, the traitor." You said, looking at him with a mischievous smile on your face. Bucky sighed out and stood in front of you, inspecting you.

"Y/N, kid, what did they do to you?" Bucky asked, you tilted your head and smiled innocently, poking your bottom lip out.

"Nothing," You said. Bucky now understood what Steve meant when he said you were the opposite of who you used to be. "What happened to you? You used to be such a badass, and now? You're a fucking mess." You sneered. Bucky's face hardened, but he had to remind himself that this wasn't you. He sighed out and put his hands on your knees, getting in your face.

"Y/N, I know that you're still in there, and if you wanna come out now and snap out of this, It would be great," Bucky said.

"Y/N isn't here right now, would you like to leave a message?" You asked him sarcastically. Bucky sighed and left you alone, going back over to sit with Steve, who was sitting with his head in his hands.

"I tried to talk to her," Bucky said.  Steve looked up and looked at Bucky, shaking his head with a dry laugh.

"A small part of me wants to believe that somehow I can get the real Y/N back, but the larger majority knows that I might never see my real daughter again," Steve said mournfully. He looked back to you and internally cringed, the evil look you were giving him made him feel like you were the enemy. Were you the enemy? No. Steve couldn't think like that. You were his daughter, not the enemy. Right?


"Don't be boring, Bucky, let me out!" You yelled, punching the metal door in front of you. You had been locked in one of the holding rooms of the Avengers base, since when they had tried to keep you in your own room, you kicked the door open and tried to stab Sam. You screamed as you punched the door again, causing a dent to appear in the metal in front of you.

"You're gonna hurt yourself!" Bucky yelled through the door. 

"It'd be worth it in the end!" You yelled back, slamming your fist against it again, your chest heaving in anger as you realized you wouldn't be getting out any time soon. You sat back on the bed placed in the corner of the room, your back against the cold wall. You had changed out of your HYDRA uniform and into a pair of shorts and an over-sized t-shirt, you guessed it was Steve's. You had given up arguing with Bucky, and without the bickering, you didn't know what was going on anymore. You had sat for hours before someone came in. "Father, how nice of you to join me," You commented as Steve came in. He stood in front of you and swung a chair from the desk across from the bed in front of him, sitting down on it and facing you. He said nothing, only looking at you. "You sure you wanna leave me unchained for this? I tried to kill someone already, would hate to see the Avengers without it's Golden Boy." Steve ignored your comment.

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