falling; S.Rogers

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-Warnings; angst, depressed!reader, death, grief, a reference to 'The Fault In Our Stars', Peter Parker makes the reader cry-

When Steve had left to return the stones, you expected to see the only version of your dad you knew to come back. He would come back and you would go home and maybe, just maybe live a partially normal life. But no, you, born from a one night stand were not enough for the super-soldier who was still stuck in love with the woman he was truly, madly, deeply in love with.  You clearly meant nothing to him, he left with a hug and a brief goodbye that had lead you on the belief that he would come back to you. That belief left you heartbroken for the first time in the end. 


You were left to Bucky, and how guilty you felt. You felt like a massive burden to him, and no matter how many times he told you that you weren't, the voice in the back of your head would scream at you, telling you how big of a disappointment you were. How it was you that made Steve go back. But there was part of you that hoped that the figure that handed Sam the shield wasn't Steve and that he was going to come back for you. You hoped that it was all one big sick trick and that they were just pranking you. 

"Y/N?" You snapped out of your daze and looked up at Bucky, who was looking at you worriedly. "You spaced out again, are you okay?" You smiled and nodded. Bucky sighed as he looked at you, you looked as though you were carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, you had dark circles around your eyes that hid the still fresh scar that would never fade. "You can talk to me if you want, I'm here for you kid," 

"I know, Bucky. Thank you," You stood up from the table, and put your bowl in the sink. "Do you think he loved me?" You asked Bucky. He turned around to face you and he frowned. "Because if he did, why would he do that? Why would he-he just leave like-like that?! Was I not-not enough? Did I do something wrong? Because I'm scared that if I had, I might do it again and lose you. And I can't lose you, Bucky. You-You're all I have left," You ranted. Tears streamed from your eyes and down your cheeks. It hurt Bucky to see how broken Steve had left you, his own, biological daughter, just when you needed him most. Bucky himself had bearly gotten over losing Steve to a woman, he didn't dare try to imagine how you were feeling. You had been let down so much, and to be let down by the person you loved the most must have hurt like a bitch. When Steve had said goodbye to him, he knew he would never see that Steve again, but watching you, you were so excited for him to come back, to spend time with him. And to see the heartbreak take over you as you realized you wouldn't get your happy ending devastated the ex winter soldier.

"You won't lose me Y/N, I promise," He stood up and walked towards you, wrapping his arms around you as you broke down into sobs. Steve was the first man to break your heart, and Bucky Barnes damn well wasn't about to be the second. 


You ran into the forest and leaned against a tree, your chest heaving as your lungs desperately tried to pull in air. You ducked and rolled forward as a blue ball of energy was fired your way.

"A hello would be nice," You said. They aimed their weapon at you and you dodged their attacks, shielding it with the guards you had on your wrists until you didn't. You made a rookie mistake, you let your guard down. They fired and hit the left side of your face, more specifically your eye. You screamed in pain, alerting Steve who came sprinting into the forest. He killed the person in front of you and knelt down beside you.

"Y/N? What happened?" He tilted your head up and grimaced at the state of your face.

"Dad, why is everything blurry in my left eye?" You asked him. He helped you stand and he stood in front of you.

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