I Lost her, God damn it I lost her!{Bucky Barnes} {1/2}

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Nothing can prepare a parent for the loss of a child. Nothing. But what about when the parent was so certain that they'd be first to go? Nope. Bucky Barnes found that out the hard way. When he found you, he was overjoyed. You were his second chance, you became his reason for being. He raised you himself, with help from Steve and everyone else of course. He was so proud of they person you were becoming. You spoke your mind, stood up for what you believed in, stood up for the little guy, and you never backed down from a fight. But does Bucky wish he'd told you to stay back that life changing day that 8 months ago.


You pull up the zip of your suit and grab your weapon of choice, a Glock 26. You make sure it's loaded and put it in the holster of your suit. Bucky grabs you by the shoulder and pulls you back, making sure you face him.

"Be careful, okay? I'll be behind you the whole time" He tells you.

"Okay, okay. You've only mentioned about a hundred times." You reply.

"We have to talk about your attitude" He says quietly, but you still hear him. You pretend you don't and walk off of the Quinjet, standing beside Natasha. You both head off, Bucky following close behind. As you enter the base, you notice the eerie silence filling the place, it makes you very uncomfortable. As you walk past a door, a hand covers your mouth and pulls you into the room. Your scream alerts both Natasha and Bucky, but none of them see you. They share a look of confusion between them, but heavy footsteps make their heads jerk forward. They both try to fend off the huge men stalking towards them, but they get both of them in positions were they can't move. They both get dragged up way too many steps for them to count and they reach the rooftop, Bucky's heart stops right there and then. You stand next to who can be presumed as their head, a far away look in your eyes and blood clumping the hair on the side of your head together, he holds your arm as you sway.

"What the hell did you do?!" Bucky yells, trying to get out of the death grip.

"Drugs are a funny thing, Mr Barnes" He says, a smirk on his face. Natasha lets out a grunt and swings out of her captors grip, then moving over to Bucky's, who lands a punch to her gut, but she returns it to the face , knocking him out cold.  The man holding you moves you over to the ledge of the building, and swings your legs over, holding you from just your underarms. Bucky pauses and holds his hands up.

"Let her go" Bucky reasons with him. He smirks.

"As you wish, Mr Barnes" He says, letting his grip of you slip. Bucky moves fast and runs over, knocking him out of the way and narrowly grabbing your wrist. You let out a scream.

"Hey, just keep your hand like that, don't move!" He tells you. You nod, your eyes wide and filled with fear. "Natasha move it!" He says, rushing Natasha to ready her grappling hook. Bucky's grip falters and you scream again. He looks back at you as you look down.

"Let me go" You tell him. Bucky's heart splits in two.

"No, No I can get you up!" He says. You shake your head.

"Dad, it's okay. Let me go" Bucky shakes his head as you slip again, his grip becoming dangerously loose. He tries to pull you up, but he ultimately, lets you go. A look of complete, and utter fear washes over your face. As you begin falling, you scream to. Bucky turns back to face Natasha, and he sinks into the corner of the ledge, his knees pulled up to his chest. He hears a thud, and his eyes clench shut.


Bucky puts down the beer bottle. Ever since you died, he's resorted to drinking his life away. People try to tell him it gets better, but how can something like this get better? You had a life ahead of you, a partner, marriage, children, but now it's all gone. They tried to get Bucky back on the field, but he simply refused.


Your unconscious body lay on the hard ground, barely breathing, but breathing nonetheless. The men drag you away and your eyes open, your whole body aches. You look to your right, and to your horror, all that remains of your right arm is a stump. You groan as they lift you up, you catch a glimpse of the red octopus symbol on their vests. Fuck. You think to yourself.  A tingly sensation makes you want to scratch your neck, but your whole body feels heavy. Your eyes close.


"Buck come on, you need to come on this mission" Steve says, clearing up the bottles scattered around Bucky's room.

"You can't make me Steve" Bucky slurs.

"I can if I tell you who we know is behind this" Steve says, sitting Bucky on the couch. "Buck, we have reason to believe that Y/n didn't die that day. We think the HYDRA guys took her as a way to get to you" Steve explains to him. Bucky seemingly immediately sobers up.

"When do we leave?"


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