Reunion {Bucky Barnes}

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You push all the rubble off of your body and stand up, shaking away your concussion. You look around for Steve and see him lying on his back, half of his shield on his wrist. You try to run, bur end up falling to your knees, your concussion still not disappearing. Steve stands up and makes his way over to mjolnir, you prop yourself up on your elbows and see Thor about to get his own axe put in his chest. You begin to feel dizzy, but force yourself to stay awake, could it be true? Is Steve worthy. You hear mjolnir whiz past Thanos and force Stormbreaker out of his big purple hands. Mjolnir flies back into Steves hand and you smile. You and your dad always knew Steve was worthy, but he didn't act upon it until he needed to, and right now, he really needed to. He hits Thanos with it, sending him back. You build up the strength to get yourself on your feet and you stand up, swaying a little. You crack your knuckles as you prepare to go up against Ebony Maw.

"Stand down child, you do not know what you are going up against" He says.

"Uhh, an alien who thinks he's intimidating. Trust me mister i've seen intimidating, and you ain't got his smile" You say. He goes to punch you, but you block and grab his fist, then flipping onto him and slamming him onto the floor. He kicks you off of him and you land on your feet, stumbling a little. You wipe a trickle of blood away from your mouth.

"Oh it's on squidward" You say. You grab your knife from its holster in your thigh and run at him with it in your hand.  You swipe it at him, trying to get a hit. You cut him on the cheek, making him hiss at you. He takes you by surprise and grabs you by your neck, lifting you a few feet in the air. You remain calm and don't kick at him.

"You will be remembered child" He says, looking you in the eye.

"So will you" You say, struggling to breathe. You wink at Steve, who throws mjolnir in Maws direction. It hits him in the head and he drops to the floor, taking you with him. You cough a few times before taking Steves free hand and pulling yourself onto your feet.

"Thanks" You say.

"it's no pr-"

"Hey cap, on your left" A familiar voice says through the comm. Is that...Sam? You and Steve turn around and see yellow, sparking circles opening up. Shuri, T'Challa and Okoye walk through one, a Wakandan army following. The Guardians and Peter in another, seeing Peter makes your mood lighten. You look over and see the largest of the hundreds of portals opening. Out of it steps even more Wakandans, Wanda and the tree person who's on someones shoulder. You run off to inspect it, because Wanda was in the jungle where your dad disintegrated. Your run through the thousands of people and you reach the portal, you look around desperately looking for your dad. Then you see him. He seems focused, so you just stay put. You stand still while more people file through the portals. Everything goes silent.

"Avengers" Steve yells. Silence once again fills the air. He holds his hand out and summons mjolnir.

"Assemble" You hear him say. Thor lets out a war cry and everyone charges towards Thanos' Army.

You watch on as someone snaps their fingers. You shield your eyes and you get pulled away from the bright light by a cold arm that you can only recognise as your dads. The light dims and you stand up and look back at your dad. He stands up and looks at you with tears in his eyes.

"Y/n?" He says, his voice breaking. You let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding.

"Dad?" You say. You run into him and he wraps his arms around you protectively. You hear groans of something disappearing. You hold onto your dad harder and he does too. Could you handle losing him again? Could he handle losing you? You hear people moving and you let go of your dad. You look around and no longer see the black order. You walk over to the crowd and see Tony, slumped against a rock, a lifeless look on his face. You see Peter run towards him

"Mr. Stark? Hey... Mr. Stark? Can you hear me? It's Peter. We won. Mr. Stark.... We won, Mr. Stark. We won and you did it, sir. You did it." Tony remains unresponsive through Peter speaking to him. Peter breaks down in tears and hugs Tony, making your heart break. "I'm sorry... Tony..." You take Peters hand and lead him aside so he can stand beside you. He breaks down fully and begins to sob into your shirt. Your dad stands beside an upset Steve, who watches as Pepper moves over to the fading Tony Stark.

"Hey." Pepper says gently, taking Tonys hand. Even though Tony can barely move his head, he still manages to look Pepper in the eyes.

"Hey, Pep..." Tony says, barely a whisper. Pepper looks over Tonys injuries and frowns.

"Friday?" Pepper says, summoning the AI

"Life functions critical." The AI says. Pepper once again frowns and holds back tears.

"Tony. Look at me"She says. She makes sure Tony gets a good look at her smiling before he fades away. "We're gonna be okay. You can rest now." She reassures him. After she says this, Tony's arc reactor switches off for good. Pepper can no longer contain her grief and starts sobbing. You wish you'd had better control of yourself and hadn't helped your dad kill his parents, maybe then you'd have had a better relationship with him. You hold on to Peter as he sobs into your shirt. Tony Stark is dead.

You stand by the lake, Tony's funeral ended hours ago and you still can't help but feel you could've done more. Maybe if you weren't so caught up on seeing your dad you could've done something to help someone who could've helped Tony. Then you remember how you could've went to Vormir with Clint instead of Natasha and how you would've jumped instead of her. They need her here, not some teenager with anger issues and super strength. You grab one off the stones from the little beach and sent it skipping across the lake out of sheer anger.

"Nice throw" Your dad says,making you turn around to look at him.

"Thanks" you say, turning back around. Your dad sighs.

"What are you mad about?" He asks you.

"I'm not mad about anything" You lie.

"You only throw like that when you're mad, so Y/n please just tell me" He says. You groan.

"I'm mad about being here. Nat's dead because she sacrificed herself and she should be here! I should've went to vormir and went over the cliff! They need her more than they need me, because guess what, no one needs me!" You say, all your pent up emotions coming out at once.

"N-no one needs me" You say, falling into your dads frame. You begin crying, the last few days taking their toll on you. Bucky wraps his arms around you as you sob into him. When you stop he pushes you away,but keeps a grip on your shoulders.

"So, no one needs you? What about me? I haven't seen you in five years. Look I know how upset you are. But please, please never think I don't need you. Y/n Barnes you mean too much to me. Please swear to me that you know I need you" He pleads with you, looking you straight in the eye.

"I, Y/n Barnes, swear I know how much you need me" You say, wiping your nose with the sleeve of your dress.

"I love you kid"

"I love you too dad"

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