Heart Out; S.Stan

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anonymous asked:

I just read Little Heartcatcher and was wondering if I could request something? Maybe where reader gets sick and Seb gets it into his head for some reason that she absolutely must be pregnant and freaks out and tries to figure out a way to talk to them about it, but in reality she just had food poisoning or something and Seb is just paranoid! - I remembered the line about him not being ready to be a grandfather and just thought it'd be funny!

Warnings; Teenage pregnancy scare, swearing, FINN AND READER ARE BOTH 18!, yelling, sebby being concerned daddy,

Word Count; 2.2k

A/N: I hope the anon who this requested enjoys!


You were laying on your bed with Finn, your head on his shoulder and your body pressed as close to his as physically possible. You were watching some movie that Finn had chose to watch since you chose the last movie you thought it was only fair that you let your boyfriend chose the next one.

"What is this movie even about?" You asked him, keeping your eyes on your laptop. 

"It's Scott Pilgrim, Y/N. We watched it before," He reminded you, looking down at you and smiling. "You're literally best friends with one of the people in the movie,"

"Oh yeah, I remember it now. Micheal Cera, right?" Finn nodded and laughed. "What?" You asked him innocently.

"I was talking about Chris," Finn said. 

"I know, I was taking the piss," You told him. Finn nodded skeptically and kissed the top of your head. "God, I feel terrible,"

"What's wrong?" He asked you. 

"I don't know. My head hurts and I constantly feel like I'm gonna throw up any time I move," You told Finn. "I haven't eaten anything different than I usually have, and I don't let my dad cook anything because that didn't end well last time," 

"You might just be sick," Finn said, putting his hand on top of your head and running it through your hair. Finn's phone lit up, showing the home screen that was a picture of both of you that he had taken a few weeks ago. "Shit, my brother's here,"

"Please don't leave me," You said sadly, looking up at your boyfriend. Finn kissed you on the nose and moved you gently.

"You'll see next weekend, Y/N," He reminded you. You huffed and sat up, following Finn out of your room and downstairs. "Alright, I love you," Finn told you. You smiled up at Finn and kissed him, just as your dad came out.

"Okay, please keep the PDA to a minimum, I just ate and I would like to keep it down," He said. You looked at your dad and rolled your eyes. 

"I love you too," You told Finn, making him smile. He left and you turned to your dad.

"You look terrible," He said. You narrowed your eyes and shook your head at him.

"Wow, self-confidence boosting 101 with Sebastian Stan," You said. You walked into the living room and threw yourself down on the couch with a groan. Your dad came in and sat beside you, putting his hand on your forehead. You were never one to get sick easily, you had a strong immune system.

"Do you feel okay?" He asked. Come to think of it, you really had to vomit. You stood up from the couch and ran to the bathroom, throwing yourself over the toilet and bringing up whatever food you had eaten in the previous hours. Sebastian came running into the bathroom to hold your hair back while you threw up, then handing you a glass of water when you fell back from the toilet. "Okay, that's the what,  fourth time you've thrown up today?"

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