Worth The Wait {B.Barnes}

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It was the only word that was able to sum up your feelings on the day's events. It's one of your favourite words actually, so many meanings for just one word. If there was a phrase that summed up how you're feeling right now,

you're fucked.

You lost. Everyone, lost. You lost it, you lost him. Your dad was one of the unfortunate half who disappeared when Thanos snapped. You felt so responsible, how could you not've done more? Maybe if you weren't so busy thinking about other people you could've stopped him, but who are you kidding, he wiped the ground with Steve's face. You sit on the jet, you leg absentmindedly bouncing, something that only occurs when you appear to be anxious or scared. Natasha puts her hand on your knee and you shoot her a glance, she smiles at you sympathetically. She knows you, but doesn't know you. She knows the 'Winter Soldier' you, but she wants to get to know you, she feels she'll be seeing you more often after the days events. When the jet begins to approach the landing ramp, your heart comes up to your throat. Is Peter going to be here? Is he okay? Those thoughts echo around your head and you soon just ignore them. Peter's okay. He has to be okay. Oh how you were wrong, so so wrong.


When you got back to the base, the first thing you did was shower. You had to clean away the days dirt and whatnot. You waited and waited for Peter, 1 week turned into 2, and two became 3. But when Carol came down with the Guardian's ship, and only Tony Stark tumbled out, you knew something was wrong. You looked at him with one last sliver of hope. He turns to Steve.

"I lost the kid" He says. After that, everything goes by in a blur. Everything spins and you soon find yourself passing out and hitting the floor. Natasha walks over and picks you up, carrying you into the base and laying you on the couch. You stir awake when Tony begins yelling at Steve and you watch as Tony gets taken to the hospital wing and put under sedation. Carol, you learned her name walks out of the living area.

"You guys take care of him. And I'll bring him a Xorrian Elixir when I come back." She says. You, Steve and Natasha share a look of confusion and then back to Carol.

"Where are you going?" Natasha asks her.

"To kill Thanos" Carol says, leaving. Natasha raises her eyebrows and walks towards Carol.

" Hey, you know, we usually work as a team here, and between you and I, morale's a little fragile." Natasha tell Carol. Steve crosses his arms and looks at her.

"We realise up there is more your territory, but this is our fight too." Steve says. 

"You even know where he is?" You asks her. She shakes her head.

"I know people who might" She replies.

"Don't bother. I can tell you where Thanos is" Thanos' daughter, Nebula says.


After Nebula informing the team about Thanos' whereabouts, the team gets in the ship and you shoot into the air. Your attempts to keep your lunch in your stomach, but your attempts remain futile. You vomit a little in your mouth, but you suck it up like a big girl and swallow it.

"Okay, who here hasn't been to space?" Rocket asks. You, Steve, Natasha and Rhodey raise your hands. Rocket looks back and shakes his head.

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