It's Okay To Take A Break {S.Stan}

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You look at the clock, sighing when you realize you have another 5 hours till school, which means you have more time to study. Really, you should be asleep like the other person down the hall, but he isn't the one with the worries of school on his mind 24/7. And plus, you doubt you'd be able to sleep with the way he snores, seriously, it's a problem. But who are you to judge, he has his problems, you have yours. Yours just happen to be a lack of sleep and eating, and the everlasting desire to do well in school. The lack of sleep seems to be your biggest problem right now, your head bobbing as you write down notes for your biology class. You try and reach for your phone, but your head hits the desk and you go out like a light, falling asleep at your desk.


"Y/N!" Your dad says, coming crashing into your room. He looks at you with confusion when he sees you slumped against your chair, your earphones in and blasting full volume, yet you could be mistaken for dead if it weren't for the rising and falling of your chest. "Y/N!" He yells, waking you up. You jump awake with a groan. "You're gonna be late for school," He tells you. "Did you study all night again?" He asks you.

"Technically not all night" You reply. He sighs as he helps put your notebooks into your backpack.

"Y/N, I get that you want to do well, I really do, but if this is how you think that it's going to help you, we might need to talk about it. When was the last time you went to sleep before midnight?" He asks you.

"I don't know" You answer. "Look, can we talk about this later? You have to get to set, and I have to get to school." You say. Sebastian sighs and stands up from your bed.

"I just want what's best for you," He says."And I don't, think this is what's best right now" He says.

"Okay okay, I get it," You say, walking out of your room and into the bathroom, showering and getting ready for school. When you get out, you get changed into your school clothes and walk into the kitchen, seeing your dad leaning against the counter. "I'll see you after school," You say. He grabs your hand gently before you can leave. 

"You haven't eaten," He says.

"I'm not that hungry" You answer. He raises his eyebrow at you, silently telling you to eat something. "Fine." You say. You reach behind him and open the cupboard, grabbing a cereal bar. "Happy?" You ask him.

"It'll do. Now go, you're gonna be late" He says, ushering you out.

"Bye!" You yell back to him. He waves back as you leave.


Sebastian sighs as he pulls up to set. He's now regretting sending you to school without having that conversation with you. God knows how long it's been since you ate anything, nevermind anything in school. He gets out of the car and grabs his phone, walking onto the set. He gets greeted by his castmates, and he greets them back of course, but something's not sitting right. He doesn't know if it's just how he felt earlier, or if it's something new, but either way, he isn't too big of a fan of it. He looks down at his phone again, seeing a missed call notification. He clicks on it and the number for your school shows up. He dismisses himself from the conversation and walks to a more secluded area of the set. He calls the number back.

"Hi good afternoon, I got a missed call from this number," He says.

"Hi, are you Y/N Stan's father?" The lady on the other side of the phone says.

"Yes, this is he" He replies.

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