Stand By You; C.Evans

2.9K 40 2

Warnings; Anxiety, Panic attack, Fluff? small angst,

Word Count; 2k


You groaned as you woke up, shutting off your alarm and sighing. You looked at the time and furrowed your eyebrows, it was 11 am, and you hadn't been visited by the sleep police, your dad and Dodger. You sat up and walked out of your room and downstairs into the living room.

"Dad?" You called into the room, all you got was a small hum for a response. "You okay?" You asked him as you sat down beside him. 

"Yeah, I just...didn't sleep well last night," He told you. You nodded and smiled at him.

"How long have you been up?" You questioned him. He squinted his eyes as he looked at his phone.

"Since 5," He said. You sighed and looked at him, then smiling.

"Go back to bed, please? You don't have to sleep or anything, just, be comfortable? I'll make you something to eat and you can just...take it easy, you've been really busy recently, you haven't taken time off in a while," You said. Chris sighed.

"Y/N, I'm fine, okay? You're worrying over nothing," He tried to convince you. Sighing, you made it look like you believed him.

"Okay, fine," You said. Chris went to speak, but you cut him off. "Bed, now," You said. 

"I'm fine-"

"Please stop saying that you're 'fine' because I know that you're not, dad," You confessed. "I know you haven't gotten a full night's sleep in weeks and I don't think I want to know the last time you had anything other than coffee! So please, please go to bed and get some sleep so I know that you're okay and not slowly killing yourself," You ranted. Chris frowned as he stood up, looking over at you with tears in his eyes. "Dad, I'm sorry,"

"No, don't be, sweetheart. I shouldn't be worrying you like this," He hugged you and put his chin on the top of your head. "I'll go to bed, okay? You can do whatever you need to," You nodded and looked up at him.

"Thank you,"


You sat down on the couch, sighing and running your hand down your face. You had found a way to convince your dad to go to sleep, and he said he would try his hardest. You felt better knowing that he had eaten something and had something other than coffee to drink. Dodger had been walked and you now had nothing to do. You looked around for your dog but remembered that he was upstairs making sure that your dad was okay. You reached for the TV remote and turned it on, flicking through channels before deciding on watching reruns of Scrubs. Dodger came running downstairs and into the living room, jumping up onto the couch beside you and began to paw at you.

"Dodger, I get it, I see you," He whimpered and kept pawing at you. "Wait, where's dad?"  You stood up and Dodger ran back up the stairs and into your dad's room. A weird feeling came over you as you went up the stairs. "Dad?" You yelled. No answer. "Are you okay?" You stood at the top of the stairs, and your heart rate picked up. Opening his door, your heart stopped when you saw him sitting on the edge of his bed, his hand on his chest and his face red and tear-stained. In an instant, you were beside him. "Hey, hey dad, look at me? Okay, you're gonna be okay," You told him. You grabbed his free hand and held it in yours. "Breath in time with me, okay? In," You breathed in and made sure that Chris copied your actions, "Out," He copied. You made sure his breathing was even enough before you attempted to talk to him. "What happened?" You asked him.

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