Bruises; C.Evans

2.9K 48 6

Warnings; Child abuse (Psychical and emotional), swearing, angst, yelling

Word Count; 2.2k


To say the relationship you had with your mom was strained, was possibly the biggest understatement in the history of understatements. She was abusive, but it never got physical. She was the reason you had low self-confidence, trust issues and all of your anxieties. But, you couldn't burden your dad by telling him what was going on, he already had to worry about you about in you in general. 


Your mom pushed you into the house by shoving your shoulder. You huffed as you fell to the floor and she walked past you. 

"It's completely your fault if I don't get that job," She pointed her finger at you as she spoke. You scoffed as you stood up. "Are you taking an attitude with me?" She asked.

"Literally didn't say anything," You said as you walked up the stairs. "And anyway, why would it be my fault that you didn't get the job? You're the one with all the problems, not me,"

"Don't you dare speak to your mother like that!" She yelled. "I never wanted to be burdened with you! Everything in my life was great until you showed up! I had everything, me and your father were gonna get married, but you came and fucked everything up!" She continued. Your dad had told you the real reason they had split up, and he made sure that you understood that it wasn't in any way, shape or form your fault that they split up, they had just fallen out of love and didn't want to use you as an excuse to keep their relationship together, that wouldn't be fair on you. You came back down the stairs and stood a few feet away from your mother.

"Stop blaming me for your poor choices!"  You screamed at her. "Your relationship went to shit because you're such a piece of shit mother! I mean, do you even know when my birthday is?" You asked her. You had grown tired of the constant emotional pain she was causing you, you couldn't take it anymore. "Did you ever stop and think that maybe you were the problem?"

"No! Because you are, and always will be the problem. If I had listened to my mom and got an abortion, maybe I would still be with Chris," She said. Tears flooded your eyes and you shook your head angrily.

"I was a baby! I didn't do anything wrong!" You cried in frustration. Your mom chuckled and rolled her eyes.

"You did everything wrong! I never saw your father after you were born, he was so busy spending time with you," She said sadly as if she was trying to make you feel guilty.

"Are you fucking stupid? I was an infant! What was I supposed to do?!" You yelled. You never usually fought back, but there was something in you that was fed up with the consistent dragging you down and making you feel small and belittled.

"You were supposed to die! I tried smothering you when you were a few months old, but your saint of a father found you and took you to the hospital just as you passed out," Your heart froze. Did she just admit to trying to kill you when you were a baby? You swallowed the evergrowing lump in your throat and choked out a laugh.

"My dad didn't break up with you because he fell out of love with you, or because of me. He broke up with you because you're a psychotic bitch," You said. She growled and pulled you forward by gripping your hair. You yelped as she yanked on it.

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